1980年生於嘉義,臺灣,2008年取得台南藝術大學造形藝術研究所創作碩士學位,主要從事繪畫創作。 蕭筑方透過素描及手稿,收集日常中的事物及生活片段,她擅長以隨意自由、塗鴉般的線條,描繪幽默詼諧的想像及真實,繪畫也從這裡延伸出她對於現下生活的思考及社會情態的觀察。她的作品多以人物為主題,有時詼諧逗趣,有時安靜而充滿哲思。 過往創作常以隨性但俐落的線條搭配大面積平塗色塊,近年則因學陶,受到了不同材質及手感的觸動,畫面改以更多的畫圈筆觸、滴流及肌理堆疊表現,呈現出的同樣都是常日裡的光景,都是你我每日生活中不時會冒出的小劇場。 近年重要展覽包含:「蕭筑方個展」,誠品畫廊,台北,臺灣 (2024)、「上半場比數10:10」,藝術銀行,台灣當代藝術文化實驗場,台北,臺灣 (2023)、「hi!你好!」個展,台北市立美術館,台北,臺灣 (2022)、「南島國際美術獎」,台東美術館,台東,臺灣 (2020)、「在瘟疫的天空下:病毒的隱喻及其他」,藝術銀行,台中,臺灣。 |
Born in Chiayi, Taiwan in 1980. In 2008, Hsiao Chu-Fang obtained Master’s degree in Fine Arts from Tainan National University of the Arts, specializing in painting. Hsiao’s works often center around human figures, alternating between playful humor and quiet philosophical depth. Through sketches and drawings, Hsiao collects fragments of everyday life and ordinary moments. She skillfully uses free, graffiti-like lines to depict whimsical and humorous imaginings alongside reality. Her paintings extend from these explorations, reflecting her thoughts on contemporary life and observations of social conditions. Her earlier works were characterized by spontaneous yet precise lines paired with large areas of flat colors. In recent years, influenced by her exploration of ceramics, she has been inspired by the tactile qualities of different materials. This shift is reflected in her paintings, which now incorporate more circular brushstrokes, drips, and layered textures. Despite these stylistic changes, her works continue to portray everyday scenes—small theatrical moments that emerge from the rhythm of daily life. She has received the Honorable Mention at the Taipei Arts Awards and was awarded the Austronesian International Arts Award (Collection Award) in 2020.Her residency experiences span Brazil, the United States, and Thailand. Her works have been exhibited at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, the Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, and the Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts among others, as well as in various private art spaces. Her creations are part of the collections of institutions such as the Taipei Fine Arts Museum, the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, the Taitung Art Museum, the Sacatar Foundation in Brazil, the Ministry of Culture Art Bank, and private collections worldwide. |