彩虹在發生 The rainbow is happening.
Two-Person Exhibition by Chu-Fang Hsiao and James Ming-Hsueh Lee
Glenfiddich Artists in Residence 2023-2024
蕭筑方.李明學 雙人展
格蘭菲迪藝術家駐村計劃 2023-2024 2025.02.08 - 2025.03.08 |
開幕 Opening: 2025.02.08 (六) Sat. 7-9pm
就在藝術空間將於2月初推出「彩虹在發生 The rainbow is happening.」雙人展,展出藝術家蕭筑方與李明學近期創作。兩位藝術家分別於2023及2024年間赴位於蘇格蘭達夫鎮的格蘭菲迪酒廠進行藝術家駐村計畫,匯集他們在異地生活與創作的深刻體驗。以繪畫與裝置形式,轉化兩位藝術家從蘇格蘭自然與文化中汲取的靈感,將這段跨越地域的旅程帶給觀眾。展覽將於2月8日(週六)晚間7點至9點舉行開幕酒會。
展覽簡介 在轉化駐村經驗到創作上,兩位藝術家各自有其關注的方向,因此有各自的子題:蕭筑方「“WHIT’S FUR YE’LL NO GO BY YE”」及李明學「It’s a rainy, sunny day 」。 蕭筑方的子題取自一句蘇格蘭諺語,意為「應該發生的事將會發生」。這句話反映了她對生活與創作的態度——在無數當下的選擇中,最終形成的每條道路皆如命運般自然而然地展開。期間,蕭筑方的創作像往常一樣從素描開始,以過往鮮少畫的題材:石頭與雲朵為題,就因所及所見,有著與生俱來的美感及靈性。在那空曠寧靜的新環境中,是一次重新摸索的過程。 作品《分享眼淚》,靈感自威士忌製程中揮發掉的酒,稱為"angel share"一詞。這個可愛的形容,讓她將猶如電影場景般時刻變化的雲朵、瞬間凝結成一陣雨、雨後空氣清新透徹的狀態,轉化成溫馨有趣的畫面。 李明學以彩虹的弧形為意象,讓思想在「此地」與「彼地」之間自在跳躍。在達夫鎮的體驗就像威士忌的「過桶技術」,經由時間的醞釀,為創作增添層次與深度。走過的彎路則帶來減速與沉靜的契機,讓他在感性與理性間找到微妙的平衡。 作品《Frequency》,李明學蒐集了單一麥芽威士忌的試飲瓶,去除了品牌標籤並將它們依顏色排列成漸層,藉此探討品牌、色素、以及盲飲文化等不同角度的觀點,並嘗試探索這些特質之間如何找到共鳴與和諧。 。。。。。。。 In translating their residency experiences into artistic creations, both artists have their own focal points, reflected in their individual titles. Hsiao Chu-Fang's “WHIT’S FUR YE’LL NO GO BY YE” refer to a Scottish proverb, which denotes: "What’s meant to happen will happen." This phrase resonates with her approach to life and art—where every path, formed by countless decisions in the moment, meanders on like destiny. During her residency, Hsiao’s creative process began with sketching as always. She chose subjects she rarely explored before—stones and clouds—finding inherent beauty and spirituality in them. The spacious, tranquil environment of the residency provided an opportunity for rediscovery and reorientation. Her work “Tears Share” is inspired from the whisky-making process, particularly the term "angel's share," which describes the portion of whisky that evaporates during aging. This poetic phrase inspired her to translate the ever-changing clouds, sudden bursts of rain, and the fresh clarity of post-rain air into warm, whimsical imagery. Lee Ming-Hsueh's “It’s a rainy, sunny day.” used the arc of rainbow as a central motif, allowing his thoughts to freely traverse between “here” and “there.” His experience in Dufftown mirrored whisky’s cask finishing technique, where time imbues creations and has it grow in depth and complexity. The winding roads he traversed brought moments of slowness and stillness, enabling him to find a delicate balance between emotion and logic. In his piece “Frequency”, Lee collected miniature bottles of single malt whisky, removed their branding labels, and arranged them in a gradient by color. Through this work, he explores diverse perspectives on branding, color additives, and blind-tasting culture, while attempting to uncover how these qualities find resonance and harmony. |