1990紐約布魯克林,普拉特學院藝術碩士 1968台灣國立政治大學文學士 個展 2013 “束無縛“ 就在藝術空間/台灣,台北 2012 “不止”ISE基金會/美國,紐約 “詩韻” MOT/ARTS/台灣,台北 2011 “游移”非畫廊/台灣,台北 2010 “時間流”關渡美術館/台灣,台北 2009 “自在流意”MOT/ARTS/台灣,台北 2008 “苦澀之美”天理文化學院/美國,紐約 “自在流意”台北文化中心/美國,紐約 群展 2013 “Art-Taipei 2013”國際會議中心 /台灣, 台北 2012 “抽象風景“ 斯多伊雅諾夫畫廊/美國,紐約 2011 “Art-Taipei 2011”國際會議中心 /台灣,台北 “第二十六屆亞洲國際美展”自2000起 2010 “第七屆深圳國際水墨雙年展”/中國,深圳 “八 O 紐約 ㄧO 台灣”藝星畫廊/台灣,台北 “新山水動水墨 ”新畫廊/ 台灣,台北 “Art-Taipei 2010” 國際會議中心 /台灣,台北 2009 “2009國際仁川女性雙年展”/韓國,仁川 “藝術沙龍:中國藝術家在紐約”華美協進社/美國,紐 約 “Yes-中國當代女性藝術展”雅巢畫廊/中國,上海 “異夢之旅”藝術門畫廊/美國,紐約 作品收藏 台北市立美術館/台灣 高雄市立美術館/台灣 國立台灣美術館/台灣普拉特學院/美國 上海美術館/中國 |
1990 M.F.A. Pratt Institute, New York, USA 1968 B.A. National Chengchi University, Taipei, Taiwan Solo Exhibition 2013 “Unfettered mind” Project Fullfill Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan 2012 “Without End” ISE Cultural Foundation, New York, USA “Variations of the Tone Poet” MOT/ARTS, Taipei, Taiwan 2011 “Flowing “ Beyond Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2010 “Time-Flow-Works by Jenny Chen” Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts,Taipei, Taiwan 2009 “Fluid Exploration-” Mot Art, Taipei, Taiwan 2008 “Jenny Chen: The Beauty of Solitude” Tenri Cultural Institute of New York, USA “Fluid Exploration- works by Jenny Chen” Taipei Cultural Center, New York, USA “Reemerge Black & White” Art Center of Chung Yuan University, Chungli, Taiwan Group Exhibition 2013 “Art-Taipei 2013” Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan 2012 “Landscape Abstract Paintings “ Stephan Stoyanov Gallery, New York, USA 2011 “Art-Taipei 2011” Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan “The 26 th Annual Asian International Exhibition” Korea. since 2000 2010 “The 7th International Ink Art Biennale of Shenzhen” Guan Shanyue Art Museum, Shenzhen, China “Art –Taipei 2010” Convention Center, Taipei, Taiwan “80’s New York, 10’s Taiwan” Star Crystal Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan “New landscape-Ink Painting in Motion” Nau Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan 2009 “2009 International Incheon Women Artists’ Biennale” “Yes- Chinese Contemporary Female Artist Exhibition” Yard Gallery, Shanghai, China “Journey of Amalgamated Dreams” Art gate Gallery, New York, USA Public Collections Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan Pratt Institute, USA Kaohsiung Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan Shanghai Art Museum, China National Taiwan Art Museum, Taiwan |
- 2013/10/05~2013/11/02 Unfettered Mind-Jenny Chen Solo Exhibition 束無縛-陳張莉個展