In 2008, Project Fulfill Art Space was established in Taipei as a platform for the exchange of contemporary art.
Project Fulfill Art Space's key principle centers on the conditions of time and space, reflecting the values of site-specificity when approaching each exhibition concept. The gallery's name 'Project Fulfill' reflects our approach to each exhibition concept, where artists are invited to imagine the exhibition experience as a relationship with the environment, by integrating the gallery space; its characteristics and conditions into their artwork, echoing the notion of 'right here, right now' (which is also the meaning of Project Fulfill's Chinese name "Jui Zai"). The sensations and experiences found within each exhibition become unique creative experiences with both the artwork and its surroundings, transcending beyond a conventional gallery experience. Likewise each exhibition piece is not easily moved from one location to another, rather they become interwoven with the fabric of space and time in the here and now. Celebrating our 10th anniversary in 2018, Project Fulfill Art Space is recognized as a cornerstone for emerging and established artists in Taiwan's contemporary art scene, exhibiting a range of mediums including painting, sculpture, site specific installations, video and sound art. As a platform of exchange for contemporary art, Project Fulfill has collaborated with international artists across the Asia Pacific and beyond, including Japan, Hong Kong, Singapore, Korea, China, Indonesia, Thailand, Vietnam, Philippines, India, Australia and Turkey. Project Fulfill Art Space 就在藝術空間於2008年成立於台北,旨在提供一個當代藝術交流平台。 堅持因地制宜的原則,讓展場跳脫原有的宿命,不再只是一個單純陳設的房間;同樣的,作品也不僅僅蜻蜓點水,從一個地方輕易換到另一個地方,而是紮紮實實的在一個空間裡生活一段時間,這正呼應了「就在」二字。 「就在」 (英文意即 right here, right now),而英文取名 Project Fulfill,則意指「專案實踐」,這兩個名字看似迥異,其實互補;前者是一種劍及履及的行動力,代表我們對這個空間的想像,後者是一種此時此地的當下 感,反映的則是我們對受邀作品的期待。就在藝術空間重視與亞洲區年輕藝術家以及中青輩藝術家的合作,展出創作媒材包含繪畫、雕塑、裝置跟錄影新媒體藝術。 |
10658台北市大安區信義路三段147巷45弄2號一樓 營業時間|週二至週六 上午11點至下午7點 (週日參觀請先預約) 1F., No.2, Alley 45, Lane 147, Sec. 3, Sinyi Rd. Taipei 10658, Taiwan Opening Hours|Tuesday- Saturday 11am-7pm (Sunday by appointment only) Tel +886-2-2707-6942 Fax+886-2-2755-7679 [email protected] |
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