Bagahe –Excess Baggage - Don Salubayba Solo Exhibition
Project Fulfill Art Space is pleased to announce the up-coming exhibition "BAGAHE-Excess Baggage" by Philippine Artist Don Salyubayba, an awardee of the Thirteen Artists Award. The exhibition will be a collection of 6 paintings, 3 sculptures and 2 moving images exploring the idea of carrying things beyond our bodies, an extension of oneself beyond the skin.
"BAGAHE", a Filipino word for Baggage-a representation of one's extension. We carry different things-things we need, things we think we need and things we do not need. Sometimes we carry things that we are asked to carry as a favor or as duty. Baggage also suggests a person's burden, an unfinished business or an extra weight in ones life. A baggage can also represent things that encumber one's freedom, progress, development, or adaptability, such as emotional, Psychological, Cultural ones. The exhibition attempts to explore this idea in different point of views-as an individual with the his own baggage, another person's experience and collected stories. The idea is also intended to explore the historical and cultural points of view as a Filipino and include history in parallel to current events. Salubayba earned his Bachelor's degree in Studio Art from the University of the Philippines College of Fine Arts in 2000 and was bestowed the Thirteen Artists Award from the Cultural Center of the Philippines in 2009. Other international venues where he exhibited include Fukuoka Asian Art Museum in Japan and D.u.m.b.o Art Center and Goliath Art Space in New York, all of which were culminating events to residency programs he garnered from 2004 to 2008. The summary of his past solo exhibitions comprises of The Peculiarity of a Familial Atmosphere in Valentine Willie Fine Art Singapore(2009), The Unofficial Theory of Power in the Drawing Room in Manila(2009), A Brown Man's Shadow Allegory Project in Tin-Aw Gallery, Manila (2008)and Imaje-Nacion in the Amorsolo Gallery of the Cultural Centers of the Philippines(2006). Don Salubayba recently fulfilled two residencies in the Vermont Studio Center in Vermont, USA and Taipei Artist Village in Taipei, Taiwan respectively. Recent solo exhibitions before BAGAHE include Syncopated Simulacra and Other Hallucinatory Flashbacks in ANNEXE gallery, Space Between in Red Mill Gallery, Vermont(2011) and Lamat in Tin-Aw Gallery, Manila(2010). In collaboration with his Australian network Salubayba has also currently completed a major production with Anino Shadowplay Collective, a multi-media company focusing on the art of light and shadowplay, called "Within and Without" in Blacktown Arts Center, Sydney. This exhibition is supported by 2 important institutions, Manila Economic and Cultural Office and LBC Express. "We take pride in sharing with our Taiwanese friends the visual arts of Don Salubayba, a multi-awarded contemporary Filipino artists who never fail to elicit admiration from casual observers to discerning art lovers in various venues all over the world" quote by Mr. Antonio I. Basilio (Resident Representative). With theme "BAGAHE" that matches perfectly to LBC Express, Ms. Ethel P. Ines (the Asia Pacific Marketing Department Brand Head)said "With Mr Salubayba's interpretation of being distant from loved ones in his artworks, LBC understands its psyche given its expertise in servicing Filipinos who are away from the families." note: The Thirteen Artists Awards, since 1970, a triennial program of the Cultural Center of the Philippines(CCP), nurtures and promotes artistic excellence by recognizing progressive and innovative art. It is in honor of the pioneering group of the 13 Moderns in Philippine art. 《Bagahe –Excess Baggage》Don Salubayba 個展 “Bagahe”- 是菲律賓藝術家Don Maralit Salubayba (2009年菲律賓國內表揚年輕藝術家的重要大獎”Thirteen Artists Award”*註得主之一)在台灣的首次個展。展覽將集合靜態和動態的影像,以6件平面繪畫品、3件立體雕塑和2件錄像的形式,探索我們身體之外所負荷的事物之概念,作為一種超越表皮之外的自我延伸。 「BAGAHE」是菲律賓文中物體的容器的意思,即英文的”Bagagge”,是一個人為創造用來攜帶物件的物體,如手提箱、行囊或是包袱。展出作品將探討以Bagahe作為人的延伸物的代表,它總是使人聯想到重擔或未完成的事。Bagahe也可代表那些妨礙個人自由、進展、發展或適應性的事物,例如情緒、心理上或文化上的包袱。Don Salubayba將以個人的不同觀點探索源於個人經驗和集成故事的Bagahe。並將擴展至歷史和文化的觀點,以菲律賓人的身份,運用其歷史與當前事件做比較。 Don Salubayba的創作多元,他的平面繪畫創作風格以純熟的線條描繪為主,似塗鴉的筆觸及用色,複雜的畫面在巧妙色塊的鋪陳下,觀者仍能立即辨識其主體及配角的關係與故事。另外,因為他是安尼諾皮影戲團隊(Anino Shadowplay Collective)的一員,他深深著迷於光影之間,並融合素描、混和數位動畫,以及影偶發展創作。而這次的雕塑作品,將是3個行李箱以類似立體書的方式,從中蹦出其承載的故事。 Don Maralit Salubayba2000年畢業於在菲律賓大學美術系(University of the Philippines)。他是2009年Cultural Center of the Philippines (簡稱CCP)表揚年輕藝術家的重要大獎Thirteen Artists Award 的得獎人之一。展出經歷豐富,如 Valentine Willie Fine Art (新加坡)、 The Drawing Room (菲律賓)、Tin-Aw Gallery(菲律賓)、Red Mill Gallery (美國)、The Annexe Gallery (馬來西亞)、CCP(菲律賓)、Fukuoka Asian Art Museum (日本)、DUMBO Art Center (紐約)及Goliath Visual Space (紐約)。並有多次國外駐村經驗,包括2004~2005年亞洲文化協會(Asian Cultural Council)的補助,於加州Headlands Center for the Arts以及在紐約市International Studio and Curatorial Program (簡稱ISCP)的藝術家駐村計劃、2008年日本福岡亞洲美術館(Fukuoka Asian Art Museum)、2010年台北國際藝術村以及2011年佛蒙特工作室(Vermont Art Studio)等。 這次個展得到菲律賓經濟文化辦事處及菲律賓專業運輸公司LBC Express的支持。菲律賓駐台代表白熙禮(Antonio I. Basilio)先生說「我們非常驕傲的與台灣的朋友介紹一位創作非常多元的菲律賓當代藝術家Don Salubayba。他的作品吸引了不只是普羅大眾,更讓在全世界眼光獨到的藝術愛好者們深深著迷」。而與這次主題十分契合的LBC Express亞太區行銷部 品牌經理Ethel P. Ines小姐十分感性的說「LBC Express懂得Salubayba先生”BAGAHE”作品中與深愛的人分離的詮釋的涵意,並以我們的專業服務所有離鄉背井的菲律賓人們。」 *註: The Thirteen Artists Awards於1970年為紀念13位重要前輩現代藝術家,由菲律賓政府藝術機構Cultural Center of the Philippines (CCP)而設立的。每三年頒發一次的獎項,每次表揚13名國內年輕藝術家。 |