Polar Region—Chen Sung-Chih Solo Exhibition Part II
拼湊的微處 極地-陳松志個展 Part II
拼湊的微處 極地-陳松志個展 Part II
Starting from Aug. 20th, Chen Sung- Chih will launch a huge site specific installation, “Untitled-Daily Sculptures” , in the “Polar Region” Part 2. The gallery space will be filled with over 3 tones of construction dark gray sand with smashed glasses glittering among it. Inspired by the wide variety experimental spirits of contemporary sculpture as his creating initial point, Chen Sung- Chih has developed a very dramatic “daily sculpture” format through very tiny objects among people’s daily life as the echo of distinctive scenes and events.
Chen Sung- Chih chose construction sand and fragments glass pieces adhesive with layers of paper fiber as the installation materials to recombine the 3D structure. Through the characteristic of these materials, the contrast between “Solid state shaping” and “Liquid state float” can be revealed, which tries to provoke the physical and psychological responds when people face to the material surroundings. Initiated from making the sculpture to be 2- dimensional, non- materialize, and conceptual, “Untitled-Daily Sculptures” tries to move forward to the mass creation among the daily life in order to provide a broader meaning of contemporary sculpture. 拼湊的微處 「極地-陳松志個展」PART 2 8月中開始的陳松志個展Part2將是一大型的現地製作,屆時會有約3噸的建材用砂推滿就在藝術空間,在砂石中將點綴玻璃的碎片。陳松志藉以當代雕塑的多元實驗精神作為個人創作發想的起點,透過散見於人們生活的低微物件,將人們集體對於特殊場景、事件的回響,發展出別具「戲劇性」的「日常的雕塑」作品,透過最幽微的感官經驗來觸發荒漠人世之間人與物(場)的細膩觀察與情感寄託。 此作品選用建材用砂以及複疊著紙纖維表面的碎裂鏡片複合重組成立體造型,藉由材質本身的特性去突顯「固態形塑」與「液態流動」的相對滲透纏擾,其目在於努力挑起人們面對物質環境的生理感應以及心理情緒的廣泛蒐集。「無題-日常的雕塑」以雕塑的平面化、非物質化、觀念化為開端,並朝向「生活裡的總體創作」提供當代雕塑寬廣的衍意。 |