Polar Region—Chen Sung-Chih Solo Exhibition Part I
拼湊的微處 極地-陳松志個展 Part I
拼湊的微處 極地-陳松志個展 Part I
How far is the “polar region”, after all?
I, like most of the people, have never been to polar region, and get the impression of the region from TV series, books or news articles. Like others, I do not think the remote land is anyhow connected to my life after all. Unknowingly, with the increasingly heated discussion on the weather issues, this progressively changing and disappearing land has led us to reflect on our existence of and change of life styles. What is “polar region”? I am not a scientist, and have limited scientific knowledge; as an artist, I believe that the topic of “polar region” and the spiritual thinking that it derives can reflect the myth that people’s pursuit is beyond nature based upon limited foundation. “Polar region”, here, is used as a satire, or a moral that returns to the basic nature. Over the recent years, I have constantly explored these transient parts and the values that they bring through deep and remote circumstances of my personal life. I am used to choose many familiar rough raw materials and transform them into noticeable manmade windows through artistic creation. When these residuals become the scenery we stare at, a process is been introduced to abandon the “meaningful” intuitive “nature” and content perception. These incomplete fragments of “construction” and “destruction” discover the missing pieces in ordinary real-life and develop an inextricable complexity entangled between “form” and “imagination”. “Polar Region—Chen Sung-chih solo exhibition” uses “polar region” to symbolize the distances that people imagine through complex combinations of various artificial materials (such as metals, mirror, papers, polystyrene, etc) to expand the vague boundary that human and matters coexist; theses compressed space-time miniatures reflect the ultimate possibility somehow strong or concealed behind low-limit materials during different process and from various angles. Maybe deep inside our heart hides a piece of “polar region”; I try to put together every charming pieces in reality and also the lost territory of polar region with my intuitive heartbeat. Polar region can be an extremely beautiful and complicated place, may be also a terribly barren and simple field ground. Polar region may be just the remote cold ends on the earth. 究竟,「極地」與我們的距離有多遠? 我與大多數的人一樣從沒到過極地,對於極地的認知多半來自於電視影集甚或書報的片段介紹。我與大多數的人一樣,也從不覺得這樣一個遙遠的境地究竟會與我的生活產生何等的干係。然而,不知從何時開始,若干的極地印象伴隨著氣候變遷議題的發酵,這一塊逐漸改變、消失的地貌遂成為我們思考生存、改變生活的開端。究竟「極地」為何?我並非科學家,所能認知的其實有限,但如果「極地」被放在這樣一個題引,它所衍生出來的精神思考,或許反映出了人們之於有限基礎上追求超越本質的迷思。「極地」在此,做為一種反諷,哪怕就是一種回歸本質的寓意。 這些年來,我持續著從個人生活的幽微光景,去探掘這些稍縱即逝的部份所能帶給我們的另一層價值,我慣以揀選大量粗糙、生冷的素材透過創作行動,將這些熟悉的粗廉物質化為顯見的人造視窗,當這些殘留(存)的部份成為我們凝視的觀景,引介的是一場摒除「意義」直觀「本質」、物性胎化為知覺的過程。這些並陳著「建構」與「毀壞」的斷簡殘編,揭示著我們常日中漏失的平凡現實,框架裡開展出的正是一段段「具形」與「想像」之間交互滲透的難解習題。 「極地-陳松志個展」藉引「極地」做為人們想像距離的標的象徵,透過人工物料(金屬、明鏡、紙本、聚苯乙烯…)的複合重組,擴展出物我並存的模糊界線,這些微型下的壓縮時空,在不同的進程與視角下,反映出低限物質背後偌強偌隱的極限可能。 或許我們的心中各藏有著一塊「極地」,我試著將現實生活中的驚鴻一瞥化為「極地」,試著以本能的心跳將這塊散失的極地版圖拼湊起來。極地,可以是極美之地、極繁之地、也可能是極荒之地、極簡之地。 極地,也許只是位處地球那遙遠、冰涼的兩端。 |
Artist Information
> CHEN Sung-Chih 陳松志 |