「Toward the Twilight」- Chen, Po-I and Hsu, Pei-Cheng Solo Exhibition
『行走在消逝之中 』陳伯義、許旆誠 雙個展
2009.03.21 ~ 04.26
『行走在消逝之中 』陳伯義、許旆誠 雙個展
2009.03.21 ~ 04.26
Project Fulfill is delighted to present a new exhibition of works by artists Chen Po- I and Hsu Pei- Cheng. The exhibition will concentrate on the dialogue between photography and painting.
“Toward the Twilight,” as the title suggest, refers to destruction and hope. In the series of awarded creation, Pantheon, Chen Po- I captured the moment of temples, the symbol of Taiwan local culture, been destroyed due to the high demand of developing industries in Taiwan. The photographs not only illustrate the transformation of Taiwan society, but also trigger viewers to be aware of the outcome of losing the monuments for Taiwan culture. Inspired by a movie, The Magic Hour, directed by Kowuki Mitani, artist Hsu Pei- Cheng transformed the transient but splendid twilight into gradient colored shapes and arranged them on the canvas. The scene that artist created are the parks, playgrounds, or some little corners where he would like to tell the viewers that the happiness can be found and pursuit everywhere. 『行走在消逝之中 』陳伯義、許旆誠 雙個展 記得你的童年嗎?隨著年齡增長和思想成熟,那些美麗的夢想、單純的快樂正一步步離我們遠去。人類在消逝中進步。行走在消逝中,既有「流水落花春去也」的悵惘,也有「誰道人生無再少」的曠達。 「行走」與「消逝」,萌生了此次展覽的念頭與方向。許多層面而言,「消逝」是一道美好的過程,它象徵一種重生,也意味著向過去毀滅。「行走」追求的是往前美好的可能性,而並非滯留此刻所要探討的展覽語言。 本次展覽邀請了兩位台灣藝術家,他們分別為陳伯義與許旆誠,陳伯義利用他對台灣長期關注社會景觀變化的敏銳嗅覺,針對高度工商發展下廟宇風景的採集,部分廟宇在政府經濟開發的大旗下被破壞與抹除,但許旆誠又由一齣三谷幸喜導演的電影(魔幻時刻)讓在燦爛後,即刻消逝短暫的光芒停留於畫布間。 或許是陰暗遮蔽了醜陋,亦或許魔幻時刻那道光來得正巧,這次展覽所想引發的是大眾對此時社會現象的反思,人生短暫如朝露,應珍惜這些稍縱即逝的美好體現。 |
藝術家 Artists
CHEN Po- I 陳伯義 HSU Pei- Cheng 許旆誠 |