HOU I-TING 侯 怡 亭
1979年出生於高雄,現居及工作於台北。 她的創作跨越多項媒材,她的Sewing Fields結合刺繡與數位影像與錄像藝術,不但挑戰我們對日常生活中影像的觀看方式,同時轉譯乍看平淡的視覺經驗。她對於過去與現今女性勞動力在不同區域的社會經濟體系底下的情境尤其感興趣,透過創作探究身體與影像之間隨著時間而不斷變動的關係。她的限地製作刺繡行為表演,更體現對資本主義社會中勞動過程的批判。除了她的個人計畫,她也經常組織參與不同地區的機構及當地團體的合作項目,探索並開發以經驗性為導向的實踐,多項計劃涵蓋集體協作、行動、影像裝置及現地製作,交織了歷史與當代身體在政治經濟與社會情境下的各種控制與矛盾,網狀的生產方式取代單一軸線敘事,混合了不同時序與當下對於時間的概念。 近期重要展歷包括:「Empowerment」(Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg,德國,2022)、「Channel:Wave-Particle Duality」昌原國際雕塑雙年展,(Seongsan Art Hall,南韓,2022)、「Ring Project」雅加達雙年展, (印尼國家畫廊,雅加達,印尼)、「Sewing Fields -CHAT Living room」, (CHAT六廠紡織藝術館, 香港, 2021)、「你我不住在同一星球上」臺北雙年展公眾計畫:月亮鹽巴(臺北市立美術館,臺北,臺灣,2020) |
Hou I-Ting (born in 1979)’s work across a wide range of media. By blending imagery and video with embroidery, Hou challenges the way we identify imagery in everyday life, while reconfiguring an otherwise prosaic visual experience. She is especially interested in the female labor condition in the socioeconomic system of the past and of today. Her practice pivots around the changing relationship between the body and imagery over the course of time. In particular, she transforms her on-site sewing performance into a cultural critique on the labor process within a capitalist society. Using action and participation, she also involves other projects and create a site-specific participatory platform by collaborating with local art groups and institutions. She weaves together manipulations of and conflicts between history and contemporary body in political, economic and social situations, dissolving single narratives and blending different historical times and contemporary notions of space and time. Current activites include:「Empowerment」(Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg,Germany,2022)、「Channel:Wave-Particle Duality」Changwon International Sculpture Biennale,(Seongsan Art Hall,South Korea,2022)、「Ring Project」Jakarta Biennale, (National Museum of Indonesia, Jakarta, Indonesia)、「Sewing Fields -CHAT Living room」, (MILL6CHAT ,Hong Keng, 2021)、Taipei Biennial2020: You and I Don’t Live on the Same Planet—Moon Salt,(Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan,2020) |