手感的妙 PART 2 : Contemporary Airy Crafts from Japan to Taiwan
2010/03/13 ~ 2010/04/25
2010/03/13 ~ 2010/04/25
Curator:Kaneshima Takahiro
In the following exhibition, “手感的妙 PART 1”, in January where 3 artists had exhibited the playful exchanges between "media" and "field" scattered around the exhibition space. The March exhibition,“手感的妙 PART 2”, curated also by Kaneshima Takahiro will gather works by 2 Taiwan artists, Llunc Lin and Mia Wen-Hsuan Liu, and 2 Japan artists, Iwasaki Takahiro and Izumi Keiji for it. Different “materials” such as wood, thread, paper, and scientific materials fill this open space. On the panel discussion in January, the curator told us about his observation in the past few years that in China, the more handcrafting involved, the more ornamental the material appears, and the sense of substance and significance becomes more burdensome. In Korea which values surface appearances; you cannot find the type of artwork which allows the viewer to sense a delicate handcraft touch. However, he had found many young Taiwan artists’ works not only have the hand crafting spirit, but also have the similar characteristic which allows the sense of substance and significance of materials to become more lighthearted like Japan artists do. Therefore, he invited 4 artists from Taiwan and Japan specialized in 4 completely different materials to create a great dialogue in “手感的妙 PART 2” Izumi Keiji creates unbelievable wood sculptures of imaginary people; Iwasaki Takahiro takes towels and the threads from book bindings to create a new world; and Taiwanese artists Mia Wen-Hsuan Liu who cleverly uses paper materials as well as Llunc Lin who can create through the perfect combination of scientific materials such as acrylic. These different and complex body of artworks that extend over “materials,” “media,” and “fields” exhibit a new Japanese mentality. Along with the two new age Taiwanese artists, the collaboration between the two parties this time in this exhibition this time will open a new horizon for the East Asian art world. 手感的妙 PART 2: 21世紀日本X台灣的嶄新工藝當代藝術聯展 策展人:金島隆弘 繼一月份「手感的妙 PART 1」展示了在「媒材」和「領域」間輕盈來回的三組日本藝術家的作品後,策展人金島隆弘與就在藝術空間於三月份推出由兩位台灣藝術家及兩位日本藝術家組成的「手感的妙 PART 2」,展場將充滿木頭、線段、紙張和科學素材等相異「物質」所相互撞擊的對話。 兩位日本藝術家中,泉啟司的木雕打破其沉重的視覺形象,藉由無限的想像及聯想,再用質地輕巧的彩色鉛筆著色,創作出造型奇特而視覺輕盈、詼諧的人型雕塑。2009年獲邀於第十屆里昂雙年展展出的岩崎貴宏,信手拈來抽出原本質地就輕盈的毛巾或布料的線、書本中分段帶的線頭,建構出一個個迷你城市中看似有重量的涼亭及電塔。台灣的藝術家則有以紐約古根漢門票作為創作媒材的劉文瑄(2009年高雄獎首獎)。「我的生態缸」系列作品呈現的是用一張張門票以藝術家的巧手編排及雕刻,所創作出的幻想花園及溫室,讓觀者在她的微型世界中找到片刻的寧靜。林昆穎 (2008年 台北獎首獎)延伸「養一處風景」計畫,結合現代工業元素如壓克力、LED燈與自然界的植物、樹枝、或珊瑚創作出從有機物體中生衍生的無機物件。觀者將迷失在生物及非生物的猜疑中,但同時也將對於目前全球生態日漸毀滅而感到憂慮。 這些橫跨「物質」、「媒材」、「領域」,型體相異錯綜複雜的作品群,新日本人的感覺,以及與之同步的台灣新世代藝術家,由兩者合作而成的本次展覽,想必將開闢今後新東亞藝術世界的地平線。 主辦 Organizers:FEC、就在藝術空間 協助 Co-organizer:日本交流協會 贊助 Sponsors:台北市文化局 合作 Collaborator:ARATANIURANO |
藝術家 Artists
LIN Llunc 林昆穎 LIU Wen- Hsuan 劉文瑄 Iwasaki Takahiro 岩崎貴宏 Izumi Keiji 泉啟司 |