1994年出生於花蓮,現居及工作於花蓮。2017年獲台北美術獎首獎。 作品以複合媒材為主,透過自身的生命經驗及個人觀察,在生活中探索各種創作的可能。大學時期的作品,以思考繪畫及版畫本身的媒材為出發,但運用不同於繪畫及版畫的方式去接近關於其本質的事物,作品經常融入身體感知,空間場域… …等等元素。 近期的作品關注於,空間中曾經存在的過去,正在發生的現在,以及可能發生的未來,所發生的事件,透過各種想像拼湊再閱讀,從自身的生活環境、生命經驗擴及到更廣的社會意識、群體關係,試圖探尋虛構及真實之間的曖昧地帶。透過物件,影像,或空間本身,將觀者帶入類似於故事性的場域,使觀者透過各種感官進入其中,自行閱讀及想像。 近期重要展歷包括:「花園」個展(臺北市立美術館,臺北,臺灣,2020)、「如果島嶼會作夢」(台北當代藝術館,台北,臺灣,2021)、2021PALAFANG花蓮跳浪藝術節(花蓮石雕博物館,花蓮,臺灣,2021)、「潮藝術」(基隆,臺灣,2020)。 |
Wang Yu-Song (born in 1994, winner of 2017 Taipei Art Award), is a mixed-media artist who aims at exploring various possibilities of creation in everyday lives through lived experience and personal observations. During his college years, Wang was devoted to pondering the respective medium specificity of painting and printmaking, and at the same time attempted to come close to the essence of things with artistic practices other than these two mediums. His works often incorporate affects, physical sensations, and spatial elements. His recent works focus on the “past” that has existed, the “now” that is happening, and the “future” that may take place. Wang likes to explore the ambiguous zone between fiction and reality through his own living environment, lived experience, and to a greater extent, social consciousness and relationships in groups. Through objects, images or particular spatial configurations, his works invite the viewers to open up all their senses and read and interpret the works with their own imagination. Current activities include:「Garden」 solo exhibition(Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan,2021)、「When Islands Dream」(MoCA Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan,2021)、New Perspectives of Hualien’s Landscape(Stone Sculpture Museum Hualien, Taiwan,2021)、「Keelung Ciao」(Keelung, Taiwan,2020)。 |
- 2021/04/10-2021/08/22 花園 - 王煜松個展