1990年出生於台灣,畢業於臺南藝術大學造形藝術研究所。 透過繪畫的描述,試圖「寫生」當代生活影像中的人景物。猶如螢幕持續向眼睛透射光線,影像如眾多意識堆疊下的結果向觀者迎來,所見的多半已是元素的集合而非內容。作品以繪畫感受性地描繪框限在平坦的圖像性輪廓、偶然且無關緊要的場景;用無深度的掠塗,在畫面的對焦、確認、調整姿態之中,在呈現與抑制之間來回。 近期展覽:2021「洄瀾美展」(花蓮,2021),個展「粗心地/精微地/去忽略掉」(鹽埕黑白切,高雄,2021),個展「他們在想要去對齊於它的理念,被看作是與它的配置保持一致」(良日 激動所,台北,2021),高雄獎入選(2018)。 |
Tsai Chih-Chi’s art practice is a reflection of her approach to the image and emotion that flow through her daily life. In the era of social media, digital images occupy a significant part of our viewing experience, in which the captured moment might seems random, the artist believes that they have been laid out numerous times since long ago. To Tsai, those images become composite of unit and element, instead of cogitation and context. In her work, Tsai Chih-Chi assembles neutral and improvised figure that are barely recognizable with light, repeated brushstrokes while leaving deliberate blanks, to reconsider her position within the image. Recent exhibitions: "Hualien Art Exhibition," Hualien, 2021; "carelessly/subtly/to ignore," # FFFFFF, Kaohsiung (2021); "they try to align with its ideal, so as to echo its consistency." thatalright art, Taipei (2021); Kaohsiung Awards shortlist (2018). |