Planet Traveler and Its Broken Song- Au Sow Yee Solo Exhibition
就在藝術空間將於八月推出2021年台北美術獎優選藝術家區秀詒個展《行星旅人,與其破碎的歌》,此展覽以《靜海武士的極盡旅程(三幕劇)》系列重新想像了1940 年代藤原機關日籍情報員谷豐(Tani Yutaka)的生命旅程與其轉世。
藝術家在不同的檔案中尋找到谷豐的身影,谷豐在不同的時代與地域間幻身成不同的形象:人形、虎形或是電玩中的角色形象。希臘文中的行星(Planetes)也有著漫遊者(wanderer)的意義,暗示著藝術家在作品中詮釋谷豐不斷移動與游離的狀態。區秀詒將這位具傳奇色彩的人物想像為穿梭在歷史時空、大眾媒體,與東南亞海域中的一位漫遊者。透過重組谷豐的海上旅程,探索時空或地理邊界中的各種情感關係。《行星旅人,與其破碎的歌》為藝術家自2019年發展《靜海武士的極盡旅程(三幕劇)》系列共5件作品的完整呈現,透過文件與影像思辨南海的多重樣貌。 展覽將於 8月 6 日(六)下午4點開幕。 藝術家講座將於 8 月 20 日(六)下午 3 點舉行,邀請與談人鄭慧華與高森信男共同參與。 《靜海武士的極盡旅程(三幕劇)》系列以日裔穆斯林谷豐為作品敘事的緣起,谷豐活躍於馬來西亞,其一生富有強烈的戲劇張力。自幼與父母離開日本同往馬來半島東北部生活,為了替死去的妹妹報仇成為俠盜。他的生平故事於1943年改編成日本在馬來西亞推出的政治宣傳片《馬來之虎》。其後在1961年的日本的電視劇《快傑哈利貓(快傑ハリマオ)》,日文「ハリマオ」(Harimau)為馬來語中「老虎」Harimau的擬音,在劇情中谷豐以西部牛仔之姿變成擊退西方蠻夷的英雄。在台語電影廣告《龍虎鬥》剪報中或是現今風行的任天堂電玩遊戲《動物森友會》的角色裡,都可以找到這位幻化成人形或虎形的谷豐轉世。 藝術家區秀詒以影像裝置與檔案文件中探究「邊界」的概念,運用拼貼重組殖民歷史、戰爭、島嶼關係與傳說等素材。以歌謠、文件與影像揉合谷豐的傳奇人生,投射出臺灣、東南亞與日本間不斷糾結的連動關係。 Project Fulfill Art Space is pleased to present Taipei Arts Award Honorable Mention artist Au Sow Yee’s solo exhibition Planet Traveler and Its Broken Song, opening in August 6. By virtue of her art series The Extreme Journey of Perwira and the Calm Sea (in 3 Acts) launched in 2019, artist Au Sow Yee expects her solo exhibition “Planet Traveler and Its Broken Song” to raise the planetary awareness connected to the southern archipelago through the image of the protagonist Tani Yutaka (1911-1942) as a time-traveling wanderer in her works. Treating Japanese intelligence agent Tani Yutaka in the 1940s as the coordinate system, The Extreme Journey of Perwira and the Calm Sea (in 3 Acts) seeks to explore different quadrants of the rheological “border” and further transfer the dialectic of “border” and its techniques to a character who constantly shifts between human and animal, Muslim and cowboy, video game characters and even genders in audio-visual media. Here, the dialectic of “border” and its techniques metamorphosed from a spatial atlas into a sign system of morphology. Tani Yutaka, as an intelligence agent, went on his journey of transformation across a multitude of screen reincarnations at the beginning of the 20th century. Tani Yutaka, a Japanese Muslim and a fluent Malay speaker nicknamed “Tiger of Malaya,” was a member of the Japanese intelligence agency F in the 1940s. Following his birth in Fukuoka, Japan in 1911, Tani Yutaka crossed the sea with his parents to live in the northeastern part of the Malay Peninsula, where he became a vigilante to avenge the murder of his sister. The Japanese in Malaya adapted Tani Yutaka’s story for the political propaganda film Harimau in 1943. In 1961, Tani Yutaka, the Tiger of Malaya, underwent a gorgeous transformation in the TV series Vigilante Harimau. “Harimau” is the Malay word for tiger. While conveying the image of a cowboy, the quintessential symbol of the American frontier, Tani Yutaka goes to the mountains, the forest, and the sea in this TV series, repelling the western barbarians and breaking new ground in the southern “wilderness.” In the following Taiwanese film “The Fight between Dragon and Tiger” and Nintendo’s Animal Crossing, a popular online video game, Tani Yutaka could also be found. Au Sow Yee explores the concept of "borders" through video installations and archival documents, using collage to reconstruct colonial history, wars, island relations and legends. Combining the legendary life of Tani Yutaka with songs, documents and images, it projects the constantly entangled linkages between Taiwan, Southeast Asia and Japan. |