A Better Future ~Home Sweet Home - Hai Hsin Huang Solo Exhibition
Hai-Hsin Huang’s works explore the images indicative of contemporary life. Particular governmental and instructional images reveal to her an ambiguous atmosphere between humor and horror: the first-aid illustration in restaurants, ordinary family photo images and regular annual drill practices, etc.
Hai-Hsin is interest in the ridiculousness and fear in society, the and the loneliness. As part of “hedonic generation”, she sees people seem to know things more, but in the other hand, people “feel” things less. Catastrophes become assumptions, we practice “suffering” and “crisis” with laughter. She try to highlight the lives of “easy and comfortable” generation, and in particular, their lightness of being. “A Better Future”, a banal slogan, is one of the 2012 U.S. president candidates’ themes: a better future is out there waiting for us. Hai-Hsin was thinking…WHAT is exactly out there waiting for us? What is better? Who’s future? How do we think about our situation right now? First we start from our home…sweet home… The Exhibition was Sponsored by National Culture and Arts Foundation. 黃海欣的創作主要聚焦在現代社會中的大眾媒體所散播的公共性圖像,尤其是從官方單位如政府、學校、醫院、監獄…等,所釋出的那些屬於政治正確的影像,並延伸至當代大眾日常生活中的理所當然, 部分是從生活的安和享樂世代對於苦難與災難的想像的應對片斷;災難是可以被練習的、恐懼是被試圖粉飾的 ,漂亮、理性、輕鬆、享樂是現在的人所追求的理所當然,然而越是完美的表面背後常藏著更巨大的災難,越是理性的專業口吻也越令人感到不安,像是從機械和人性間所摩擦出的一種矛盾,黃海欣觀察到某種熟悉的怪異感,或也可以說是怪異的熟悉感, 探索暗藏其中那淡淡的荒唐、不安、幽默,以及歡樂中附帶著的一種失控…。 「A Better Future」(一個更美好的未來)是一句很很平凡的抽象憧憬,同樣也是2012年美國總統候選人之一的選舉口號,其口號的響亮和抽象引起黃海欣的興趣更進一步地思考,怎樣叫做「更美好」?誰的未來?這看似正確與明亮的口號仔細想便又覺得隱晦、神祕…。享樂主義的時代裡人們在追求怎樣的「更美好」?我們如何去看待自身的處境與狀態?…首先我們從甜蜜家庭說起…。 本展覽獲【財團法人國家文化藝術基金會】贊助 |