A Glimpse of Time and Motion
CHIU Chao-Tsai Solo Exhibition
CHIU Chao-Tsai Solo Exhibition
開展 Opening | 2023.10.14 (六) Sat. 3 pm
上緊發條,注入的動力釋放、轉換,動能驅動著某物運行,速度由高峰趨於疲緩,直到發條漸鬆弛、運轉停止,而此運作機制總能夠被持續重複,形成一關於時間、動態、交換的迴圈,在操作當下,從轉動發條到端詳動態的開始乃至於結束,即經驗著「發條時間」的歷程。 -- 發條時間系列以古典自動機械形式作為動態與互動的介質,連結、驅動各式動態物件,擷取具有興味的生活切片,或構築抽象造型的動態場景,將之如同標本採集般地封存,透過互動操作,得以反覆進出這一座座「發條時間」劇場,在機械嘎嘎運轉的過程中,片刻脫離現實,交換一段未明的、或緩、或快的凝觀與感知。 。。。。。。。。。。。。 About “Clockwork Pattern” The wound-up clockwork, where the input power is converted then released, and the kinetic energy drives the device to operate. The motion gradually slowdown but keep its active until the spring get loose and eventually stop. This mechanism would be able to continuously repeat, build up a cycle with time, dynamics, and exchange. During the operation, from spinning the spring to let it loose and observe its movement, that is, to fulfill the experience of “Clockwork Pattern” -- The “Clockwork Pattern” series uses the mechanism of classical automatic machinery as a dynamic and interactive medium to connect and operate various dynamic objects. Capture interesting segments of life, or construct dynamic scenes of abstract shapes, sealing them like specimen collection. Through interactive operations, the viewer is able to go back and forth into this "Clockwork Pattern" theater. Accompany by the rattling sound, people may escape from reality, in exchange of a, either long or short, attentive gaze and an alternative perception. |