Another Place - CHEN Sung Chih Solo Exhibition
Artist Statement
After five years, in this past June, I once again embarked upon a short-term residency program. The journey led me to Seoul, Korea, as I placed myself in a brand new alternative realm. The trip was not bound by any restrictions, with seeing and thinking being the two most important things for me to do on a daily basis. Adapting to a different life was not overly challenging, and I gained profoundly from the shift in state of mind, with a lot more received from straying away from my familiar place. In Taiwan, most of us often let everyday details found in life pass us by rapidly. As I slowed down, I was able to discover many subtle and delicate types of scenery. As my mind was filled with curiosities and surprises, my imagination also began to soar. One day, I stumbled upon a flower sprouting from the crevice on a wall, and the encounter evolved into a pursuit for “another place”. The title Another Place also symbolizes the removal of the tangible parameter from the intangible internal realm. As a concrete gap is eliminated from its preexisting place, a new perspective should also take shape in another place. The 2014 Another Place series continues from my previous approach of using mixed media to create expressions of material abstraction. Using the “gap” as a symbolic catalyst for life’s rise and fall, hope and dispersion are applied to fulfill life’s aspirations. The artworks are comprised of imaginative everyday sceneries comprised of many cheap everyday objects, interior construction materials, and household textiles. By juxtaposing blanks with fillings, material dispersion and compositionality of meaning are exchanged and interconnected. Connected parts and also detached yet residual components are mixed together by the various approaches and materials used, with the audience guided on a process of re-compositionality of meaning and a transformation of emotional perception to visualization. Between tangible shapes and implications, reflections and contemplations about the applied materials, displays, and living space are sparked in the audience. If life is like a soap opera, Another Place is then a simple and ordinary script based on life, and the people on this distorted stage are induced to repeatedly recount intertwining everyday words of fiction and reality. With life’s unknown, we seem to be constantly searching for a light at the end of the dark cave that is life. To me, to create art is to be able to enter into another place, away from reality. The Another Place in my art is a space-time that transcends reality; it moves in a massive darkness. If there is a beam of life filled with memories, it will ignite our energies formed by our spiritual consciousness and guide us through the cold valley of reality. As we all yearn to find our very own “another place”, we should also strive to become an "another place” for others. This notion of another place is like that far away place that we are gazing at, and it also symbolizes a farewell to the place we are in. Sponsored by: Artist-in-Residence Taipei - Taiwanese Artist Exchange Program 暌違兩年藝術家陳松志將於就在藝術空間發表2014年全新個展——『別境』。 陳松志1978年生於台灣南投,畢業於國立台南藝術大學造形藝術研究所(MFA),為台灣當代藝術中擅長複合媒體創作並極具個人風格的空間裝置藝術家。2014年新作《別境系列》接續了藝術家過往在複合素材進行異質化材質與空間的表現進行延展,作品中藝術家將「缺口」作為意義生命生滅的引介,視以「充滿」與「擴散」著裝起生活萌滿的內在冀望。展出的立體裝置作品以大量粗廉的生活物件、室內建材、居家織品構築成別具想像的日常端景。透過「空缺」、「填補」的並陳手法並微妙地注入濃厚複雜的心理元素,進行著物質消散與意義組合的交互滲流,在具形與意之間撩撥起觀者對現有材料、展示與生存空間的寓意思考。 「別境」對於藝術家而言像是一個凌越現實的離狀時空,如果說生活像是一齣連載的肥皂劇,「別境」在此像是一場平凡素樸的人生戲本,誘發著身處在這失真舞台中的現代人反覆敘說著虛構與現實纏繞不休的日常絮語。「別境」如是的將有形的尺限換交出無形的內在心所,當我們從真實的洞孔剝離了原有的境地,相反地也將該在盈滿消長的他處中建構一個嶄新的視點。我們都渴望地尋找自己的別境,然而我們也該將成為他人的別境。別境又像是眺望著遠方,也如同告別著此地。 陳松志歷年多次代表台灣參與國際藝術家駐村以及交換計畫於英國Visiting Arts London、埃及The Townhouse Gallery、法國Cité International des Arts、韓國National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art、台灣The Stock 20等地。過去作品曾獲2013路易威登Louis Vuitton台北藝術徵件計畫首獎、第12屆李仲生基金會視覺藝術獎得主、第二屆易雅居藝術獎得主、第三屆台新藝術獎年度七大視覺藝術、2003台北美術獎優選等,自2001年起陸續發表個展,並受邀參與多項國內外重要聯展。歷年作品並獲國立台灣美術館、文化部藝術銀行及私人收藏。現居住創作於台灣台北、台中。 贊助/台北藝術進駐國內人才出訪計劃 |