BAGUS PANDEGA 巴 格 斯 ‧ 潘 得 佳
1985年出生於印尼雅加達,目前在萬隆生活和工作。於2008年畢業於萬隆理工學院藝術設計系,主修雕塑藝術,並在近期取得萬隆理工學院美術碩士學位。他的作品曾在雅加達,新加坡,馬尼拉,斯圖加特,烏得勒支和貝魯特展出,巴格斯‧潘得佳是不斷應用並開發動力學與聲音概念於雕塑作品中的印尼年輕藝術家之一,作品有時也結合光的元素。他經常挑戰物體和觀眾之間的關係並強調空間感的概念。潘得佳擅長以各式電子系統設計為新的組件,他經常將錄音機,唱機,卡帶播放機,電路板,電纜,燈和其他電子設備重組並讓它們產生新的功能和不同感知的累積。他的作品結合了不同的機械裝置,與觀眾的互動也是在他的作品中一直很重要的概念之一。在獲得萬隆第二屆當代藝術獎的第三名後,潘得佳於2012年在法國拉羅謝爾跨國研究中心進行他首次駐村,近期特展包含「Random Black」ROH Projects,雅加達,印尼 (2017); 「Prudential Eye Zone」藝術科技博物館,新加坡 (2016); 「因果關係 (Causality)」1335 Mabini,馬尼拉,菲律賓 (2014)。
Born in 1985 in Jakarta, Indonesia, Bagus Pandega graduated from Institut Teknologi Bandung (Bandung, Indonesia) with a Bachelor of Arts (Fine Art) in 2008, majoring in Sculpture, and later obtained his Masters in Fine Art at Institut Teknologi Bandung in 2015. His work has been exhibited in Jakarta, Singapore, Manila, Stuttgart, Utrecht, and Beirut. Working primarily through kinetics, sounds and lights, Pandega often challenges the preconditioned relationship between objects and their audience by emphasizing the notion of the physical space around the latter. His inclination in assembling together various electronic systems as ‘modules’ in his work and constant medium explorations of voice recorders, cassette and record players, lamps and electronic circuit boards to name a few, plays with the accumulation of perceptions. Many of his artworks encourage audience interaction through movement, sound and light. After winning third place at Bandung Contemporary Art Awards #2, Pandega completed his first residency at Le Centre Intermondes, La Rochelle, France in 2012. Recent exhibitions include Random Black at ROH Projects, Jakarta (2016), Prudential Eye Zone, Artscience Museum, Singapore (2015) and Causality, 1335 Mabini, Manila (2014). The artist currently lives and works in Bandung, Indonesia.
- 2018/02/03~2018/03/01 失真轉換 Distorted Alteration - Bagus Pandega solo exhibition