Boys Gone Wild
“Boys Gone Wild”is a group show by 4 male artists.
Each of them had applied his own unique symbols into the creation of works to tell us about their own experience and the observation of the environment they are living in a bantered-like of way。 Su, Chih-cheng Behavior Modification 04 My artistic creations are focusing on the conflicts of the real life, especially the role that people play in the society. In my opinion, people are fettered by their identities, but at the same time they are pursuing them. It seems hard to get rid of it, because there will always be some people that shape you and think that you have to reach their expectation; nonetheless, conflicts and contradictions appear, while we expect ourselves to become certain kind of person. We see a beautiful and order world under this thought, yet, what I would like to present are the things that behind the beauty, the things that in fact are being suppressed or rectified. Therefore, I attached the importance to the emotional portray of people with a little bit of innocent, nervous, or guilty. It seems to be hidden a number of sticky and sick emotion, somehow there is no choice. On the other hand, I would like to turn the latent drives into physical way that people can feel the point of pain, and the present of the pain is actually made up by the environment and the desire of oneself. Now, can you see my points why I choose to convey the involuntary persecution by comic fighting? Others can only truly understand it, when things are based on expectation, and this is exactly what plays in our life again and again. However, in the end, they will become stronger no matter how. Chang, Yu-chia You Take Not Only My Hand This is a series of paintings describing the people I observe in the cities. I attempt to represent the familiar emotions toward the cities, and also transform these kinds of feelings into “The Dot Men” of my works. This also goes deep into the conversations between the cities and myself, and helps me to get to know myself once more. The way I represent this series of works is though painting and I choose the industrial products, markers and spray, as the media for they are the most accessible tools in my life. I draw my works by applying a lot of "dots" onto the objects which represent the way individuals in the cities: alone, but yet closely stick with each other. The assembled dots are driven by their desires, just as the objects of lust in my paintings. Only by looking at them closer can you find out it's constructed by individual dots. The industrial features of markers and spray can emphasize the sick and unpleasant atmosphere that I want to create and thus represent the state of trance of modern people. Wang, Tsen The Rose at Corner 02 Moe represents the passion of otaku. “Moe” is a Japanese slang word originally referring to fetish for characters in video games or anime and manga. Because the Japanese colonization in Taiwan during World War II and the close geopolitics between Taiwan and Japan, Taiwanese always exist a familiar but contradictory proposition in receiving culture from Japan. In addition, because of the special island nation character in Taiwan, the nature of Taiwanese’ quick absorbing and consuming the foreign culture also form the special mutation in Taiwan visual culture. Therefore, those sexy female characters in Japanese anime have transformed into the spicy products for Taiwanese otaku, the ‘spicy girl’ visual culture. In order to attract the sights of those males who indulge in the virtual anime world, the business man search the spicy dress in manga and put on their sales girls; such as the odd but sexy clothes of the betel nuts girls on street in Taiwan. Now, the ordinary street has become the fantasy anime space for those otaku, where fulfill with the sings of “Moe”. Since then, there has no boundary between virtual and reality… Ma, Chun-fu Unblessed love No.02 (La) El Nino, global warming, currency expansion, energy crisis, short supply of food, financial crisis, races problem, terrorism are the current global disasters around the world, and the challenge of human colon issue by the concept of moral, gender identity problem, birth decrease and a problem of marriage policy .etc are also the problems that human being are unable to stop them to be occurred. The Hollywood movies became popular while the economy was depressing, and the creation of super hero characters, Batman, Spider Man, Green Hornet and King Kong were produced in the bleak year of 1930 because people needed to transfer their emotion into these fictitious heroes and look forward the positive satisfaction. Most of people build their imagination of idols by a movie, a comic book, an election and a ball game; therefore, these political figures, idols, cartoon characters, and ballgame players have become the most effective people in the society because of the base of high selling record builds the miracle. “Unblessed Love” is formed and shaped by television commercial or public voices; therefore, what we see is not what we get. The life value has twisted to something we can not recognize. In the real world, the global disasters have become pieces in a fictitious cartoon film. A hero is not a hero; a criminal is not a criminal anymore. If there is no logical justice in the world, if a criminal does not have certain shape and if using military forces is not helpful, then does a hero know how to deal with a criminal, and what kind of a hero we need in our century? Boys Gone Wild “Boys Gone Wild”是由四位新生代男性藝術家:蘇志成、張育嘉、王蔘及馬君輔聯合展出,將自身經驗及對周遭環境的觀察,以獨特的個人符號、看似戲謔的手法呈現出四種不同風格的創作。 蘇志成 / 行為改變技術 04 蘇志成的創作注重於現實生活上的衝突,他想呈現的是在那些美好的東西背後,其實是一種壓抑或是矯正過後的東西,對人物的情緒描寫,往往是帶著無辜、神經質或是帶點罪惡感。「這樣你明白了嗎?」系列作品用漫畫打鬥的手法來傳達這種非自願的迫害,由期許出發,這樣似乎才能讓他者真正地了解,這也是人生中不斷上演戲碼,而最後不論如何,他們將變得更堅強。 張育嘉/ 你奪走不只是只有我的手 張育嘉以"點畫"的方式表現他在都市中看到的人們,就像是一個個孤立的點,密切聚集,卻彼此疏離,但都被背後的慾望驅使者行動,就如同畫面中所堆砌出的慾望的共同體。藉由麥克筆與噴漆這兩種工業化媒材的特性,來突顯畫面中病態詭侷的氣氛,並表現出現代人恍惚的精神狀態。 王蔘 / 街角的玫瑰 王蔘從台灣在地的多元文化表現來觀看和研究台灣特殊的異質視覺文化。透過異質的色彩和變異的情色符號、藝術家組合出視覺的創意和批判的概念,用不同的視覺符號將試圖展現台灣社會中所體現出的一個對抗、跨越、變形、毫無規則和再結合的特殊異質空間現象。「街角的玫瑰」試圖用不同的角度來解釋我們視覺文化中的性別迷思、消費文化和社會現象。 馬君輔 / 不被祝福的愛 議題再擴大到全世界面臨無法阻擋的全球性危機,人們選擇將情感投入到虛擬的英雄人物中,尋求某種心理上滿足。馬君輔「不被祝福的愛Unblessed love」系列藉著同質或異質的商業性神話卡通人物在外領域的巨大壓力下,造成形式上的意淫私領域的交媾質變,我們看到的是種種不可思議的異像與想像。寫實的全球化問題瞬間變成了卡通影片中的虛擬情節,當英雄們面對的不再是黑白對立般的壞人時,敵人不再具象,武力不再有用;我們的時代需要的是什麼樣的英雄? |
藝術家 Artists
SU Chih-Cheng 蘇志成 CHANG Yu-Chia 張育嘉 WANG Tsen 王蔘 MA Chun-Fu 馬君輔 |