Candy Bird,1982年生於台北,現居住及工作於台北、宜蘭二地。
Candy Bird的藝術早期由街頭塗鴉發跡,作品面向社會性以及邊緣性,詮釋被主流媒體所忽略的價值觀。2018年開始,Candy Bird 聚焦描寫生命的各種面向與狀態,並與自身內在做深度對話。延續塗鴉的交疊概念,其創作手法也轉向多元,不停實踐新的敘事方式,例如與文學或是當代舞蹈的合作。 當前 Candy Bird 的藝術跨足於繪畫、書寫、表演、公共藝術等。作品曾展出於屏東美術館、嘉義市立美術館、鳳甲美術館、日本福岡亞洲美術館等地。 |
Born in 1982 in Taipei, now living and working back and forth between Yilan and Taipei.
Candy Bird began his career as an artist by graffiti with works featuring sociality and marginality, seeking to interpret the values overlooked by the mainstream media. From 2018 onwards, he shifted his focus onto portraying different dimensions and conditions of life and engaging in a profound dialogue with his innermost self. Following the concept of imbrication in graffiti, he employs pluralistic techniques and new narrative approaches such as collaborating with literature or contemporary dance. Up to now, his oeuvre spans the fields of painting, writing, performance, and public art. |
- 2023 May 綠島人權藝術季-傾聽裂隙的迴聲 Listening to the Overtones of Fissures
- 2022 June Candy Bird : Moon / Moon 屏東美術館