智海1977年出生於舊香港,自幼喜愛畫畫。1999年畢業於香港中文大學食品及營養科學系。智海的自學創作背景起源於他對香港實驗漫畫家,電影節和西方文學書的興趣。一股說故事的動力激發了他從大學時代起嘗試發表漫畫及插畫,見載香港報章雜誌及海外漫畫選集。藝術家用他作品中經常會有的黑色幽默表達他的創作過程「畫漫畫竟然那麼痛苦,倒不如用最痛苦的方法去畫線條」一開始選擇使用最細的麥克筆畫出獨特的密集線條風格。後來受到歐洲漫畫家的影響,開始嘗試用鉛筆創造更豐富的層次表現與留下擦除痕蹟。著有漫畫集《圖書館&我和我聖人》、《大騎劫-漫畫香港文學》( 江康泉合著 )、《灰掐》( 鴻鴻合著 )、《默示錄》等。部份作品譯有法、意、英、及芬蘭文。除漫畫出版外,亦從事繪畫創作,參與展出,並參與台北nos:books出版社之編務工作。藝術家近期投入油畫的轉變,持續發展他獨特的線條技法及敘述氣氛,和新元素-色彩結合在一起。相似在印刷廠看色票想像印刷出來的效果,智海重複的測試顏色與構圖上顏色的平衡,達到最接近他在每個場景中最初感受到的情緒。
近期展覽包含:「One Escape at a Time」,首爾Mediacity雙年展,韓國(2021)、「寶島風情畫」,The Hall,台北,台灣(2021)、「臆想錄」,安全口畫廊,香港(2021)、「空中樓閣」,Karin Weber Gallery,香港(2020)、「龜兔賽跑之全景反射」,舊香居藝空間,台北,台灣(2020)、「圖書館與六樓地下室」,藝鵠藝術空間,香港(2019)、「圖書館與面壁書室」,Mangasick,台北,台灣(2018)、「Moving Mountain- nos:books exhibition」,Le Wonder / Liebert,法國(2017)、「禮拜日的舞會」,Book Gallery Popotame,東京,日本(2017)、"Tell a Rock to Relax",We Make It studio,柏林,德國(2015)。 |
Born in 1977 in old Hong Kong, Chihoi’s art practice began with an interest in comics and illustration. His childhood interest in drawing later extended to experimental comics and graphic novels by Hong Kong artists, as well as film festivals and Western literature. Chihoi graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1999, majoring in Food and Nutritional Sciences. A self-taught artist, his passion for story telling sparked his foray into publishing his first comics. Since 1996, he began to release comics, illustration and writing in the local press media and various international anthologies. He describes his distinctive densely filled line work with his typical dark humor, “since drawing comics is so arduous, you might as well use the most painful method to draw the lines”, at first using the thinnest marker pens to create texture. Later he began to primarily use pencil, a medium in which he could create more expressive gestures or leave traces of erasure. Major comic books include Library; I’m With My Saint, Still Life, Hijacking – Comic Hong Kong Literature and The Train. His comics have been translated into Italian, French, English and Finnish.
His recent transition to oil painting marries his expressive line work and atmospheric imagery with a new element – color. Much like looking at color swatches during the printing process, Chihoi extensively tests his color-palette to strike the right balance in his compositions, accurately capturing the emotions he felt in each scene. Selected exhibitions include: One Escape at a Time, Seoul Media City, Seoul Museum of Art, South Korea (2021); Taiwan Scenery and its Tail, The Hall Taipei, Taiwan (2021); The World is a Show for my Chosen Eye’s Delight, Gallery Exit, Hong Kong (2021); Castles in the Air, Karin Weber Gallery, Hong Kong (2020); Panaroma Reflection of the Tortoise and the Hare – Duo Exhibition by Chihoi & Son Ni, JXJ Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan (2020); Library & 6F Basement, ACO Art Space, Hong Kong (2019); Library and the Reading Room, Mangasick, Taipei, Taiwan (2018); Moving Mountain – nos:books exhibition, Le Wonder, Liebert, France (2017); Holiday Dance, Book Gallery Popotame, Tokyo, Japan (2017); Tell a Rock to Relax, We Make It Studio, Berlin, Germany (2015). |
- 2020/11 ARTOMITY 藝源〈Library 圖書館〉/ Ysabelle Cheung
- 2020/08 嗚人堂 聯合新聞網〈不是在夢裡,就是在書裡?港台藝術家智海、倪和孜雙個展〉上/李志銘
- 2020/08 嗚人堂 聯合新聞網〈藝術品真的「物以稀為貴」?港台藝術家智海、倪和孜雙個展〉下/李志銘
- 2018/09 Mangasick 時間,只需要時間。--訪智海訪談
- 2014/11 MPW 明周〈讓塵埃多飛ㄧ會〉/Janice
- 2014/10 藝頻 Art News 〈曾經可能的另一個香港 — 智海「塵埃未定」〉/潘德恩
- 2007/07 蘋果日報〈室內的憂鬱〉/梁文道