森千裕 + 金氏徹平 + CMTK
Chihiro Mori + Teppei Kaneuji + CMTK
Chihiro MORI 森千裕
b. 1978 森千裕個人的作品,除了透過她獨特的視角觀察到的城市景觀與商標符號,還疊加了她小時候的圖畫、塗鴉,並採用了瞬時之間誤認、誤聽的他者的話語。以重新詮釋時間、記憶、價值和脈絡的角度重建它們,並利用繪畫和裝置技術將它們輸出。 近期重要展覽:「コレクション1 80/90/00/10」國立國際美術館,大阪,日本(2023)、「大和コレクション展vol.9」沖繩縣立博物館・美術館,沖縄,日本 (2023)、「サンセット/サンライズ」豊田市美術館,愛知,日本 (2022)、「コレクション1:越境する線描」國立國際美術館,大阪,日本 (2020)、「東京2020公式アートポスター展」東京都現代美術館,東京,日本 (2020) Besides scenery and logos that caught her eye in her distinctive observations of the city, Chihiro Mori’s own works superimpose drawings and graffiti she made as a child. She also actively incorporates momentary misperceptions, mishearings, and words spoken by others, she applies painting and installation techniques for the output, and reconstructs time, memory, value, and context, as if to recapture them. Recent exhibition: "Collection1 80/90/00/10" The National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan (2023), "Daiwa Collection vol.9" Okinawa Prefectural Museum & Art Museum, Okinawa, Japan (2023), "Sunset / Sunrise" Toyota Municipal Museum of Art, Aichi, Japan (2022), "Collection1: Transgressing Lines" The National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan (2020), "Tokyo 2020 Official Art posters Exhibition" The Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan (2020). |
Teppei KANEUJI 金氏徹平
b. 1978 金氏徹平利用塑膠製品、玩具、建築材料、雜誌或廣告的剪報等等隨手可得的物品,運用拼貼的手法,嘗試探尋一種可以彰顯物質與形象關係的創作系統。此外,他也以雕刻為基礎,積極的與其他創作者進行共同創作,如舞台設計、戲劇等,嘗試運用極為多元的表現方式作為拼貼概念和手法的延伸。 近期重要展覽包含: 「金氏徹平 S.F. (Something Falling/Floating) 」原湖畔美術館,千葉,日本 (2022)、「消しゴム森」チェルフィッチュ × 金氏徹平,金澤21世紀美術館,石川,日本 (2020)、「金氏徹平のメルカトル・メンブレン」丸亀市猪熊弦一郎現代美術館,香川,日本 (2016) 、「Towering Something」尤倫斯當代藝術中心,北京,中國 (2013) Teppei Kaneuji applies collage-type techniques to create works, using items in his surroundings, such as plastic products, toys, construction materials, and clippings from magazines and newspapers. He explores devices for a formative system that will bring out the relationship between material and image. While grounded in sculpture, his activities cover a wide range of other types of expression, from scenography to theater. In addition, he has been actively collaborating with other artists in ways that are extensions of the collage concept and methodology. Recent exhibition: "Teppei Kaneuji S.F. (Something Falling/Floating)" Ichihara Lakeside Museum, Chiba, Japan (2022), "Eraser Forest " 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan (2020), "ZONES" Marugame Geniciro-Inokuma Museum of Contemporary Art (MIMOCA), Kagawa, Japan (2016), " Towering Something" Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China (2013) |
CMTK (森千裕 Chihiro Mori x 金氏徹平 Teppei Kaneuji)
CMTK是森和金氏夫妻合體組成的團體,於2019年成軍。他們的創作由森透過攝影捕捉了某些瞬息即逝的事物或情境,如容易被忽略、遺忘的日常風景、物品,或是某個瞬間的光影效果。金氏利用立體光柵印刷(Lenticular Printing)將圖像輸出,以各種方式對現有圖像進行編輯。將看似平凡的事物轉化為充滿詩意和深度的藝術作品,創造出一種複雜而新穎的影像。
CMTK, the team-up of the two artists since 2019, present a series of work done by Lenticular Printing. First, Mori captures fleeting things or situations through photography, such as daily scenery and objects that are easily overlooked or forgotten, or the light and shadow of a certain moment. Then, Kaneuji steps in to edit/ collage the photos in various way to transform the ordinaries into the poetic works of art, which has successfully become a new and complex imagery.
CMTK是森和金氏夫妻合體組成的團體,於2019年成軍。他們的創作由森透過攝影捕捉了某些瞬息即逝的事物或情境,如容易被忽略、遺忘的日常風景、物品,或是某個瞬間的光影效果。金氏利用立體光柵印刷(Lenticular Printing)將圖像輸出,以各種方式對現有圖像進行編輯。將看似平凡的事物轉化為充滿詩意和深度的藝術作品,創造出一種複雜而新穎的影像。
CMTK, the team-up of the two artists since 2019, present a series of work done by Lenticular Printing. First, Mori captures fleeting things or situations through photography, such as daily scenery and objects that are easily overlooked or forgotten, or the light and shadow of a certain moment. Then, Kaneuji steps in to edit/ collage the photos in various way to transform the ordinaries into the poetic works of art, which has successfully become a new and complex imagery.