Fahrettin Örenli 法 哈 廷 · 奧 倫 利
法哈廷.奧倫利 (出生於1969年)來自土耳其,目前生活、工作於阿姆斯特丹、伊斯坦堡與首爾,畢業於荷蘭皇家藝術學院Gerrit Rietveld Academie(1998)及 荷蘭皇家視覺藝術學院 Rijksakademie Van Beeldende Kunsten(2001),在2000至2001年於荷蘭皇家視覺藝術學院進修時獲得皇家繪畫首獎(Royal Painting Prize),2004年榮獲首屆由荷蘭ABN AMRO銀行設立的藝術獎ABN AMRO Art Award得主。近期重要個展包括於「高跟鞋」計畫,DEPO,伊斯坦堡(2016)、「Money Without Nationality」,Art Sonje Center,首爾(2017),藝術家駐村經驗於 MMCA Residency Changdong,首爾(2017)、Platform Garanti (SALT),伊斯坦堡(2006-7)、ISCP,紐約(2003),並獲邀於台北、伊斯坦堡、哈瓦那、倫敦、紐約當地藝術機構展出。
Fahrettin Örenli (b. 1969) is an interdisciplinary artist of hybrid ethnicity, working across cultural as well as geographical borders. Örenli studied at the Gerrit Rietveld Academie (1998) and the Rijksakademie Van Beeldende Kunsten (2001). He was awarded the Royal Painting Prize at the Dutch Academy of Fine Arts (2000), and the ABN AMRO Art Award (2004). Recent major solo exhibitions include High Heels, DEPO, Istanbul (2016); Money Without Nationality, Art Sonje Center, Seoul (2017). He was artist in residency at the MMCA Residency Changdong, Seoul (2017); Platform Garanti (SALT), Istanbul (2006-7) and ISCP, New York (2003). Örenli has exhibited in Taipei, Istanbul, Havana, London and New York.