I.O.U a Painting
Hsieh Mu-Chi Solo Exhibition
《我欠你的畫》謝牧岐 個展
Opening 開幕 | 2019.09.14(六 Sat)4pm
Artist talk 藝術家座談 | 2019.09.14(六 Sat)3pm Guest 與談人 | 胡永芬 Hu Yung-Fen Project Fulfill Art Space is pleased to present Hsieh Mu-Chi’s solo exhibition I.O.U. a Painting, showcasing new works reflecting Hsieh Mu-Chi’s introspective exploration towards his art practice, at its center lies his questioning and anticipation towards establishing a personal visual language and style. The exhibition opening reception will be held on Saturday 14 September at 4pm, with an artist talk at 3pm, inviting guest speaker Hu Yung-Fen in conversation with the artist. The exhibition I.O.U. a Painting projects an artistic construct of the real and the fictitious; it has been created to confront us with a tone of resignation and irony. Hsieh Mu-Chi discusses the issue of self-identity between the inner self and outer world through turning each painting into personified characters with whom we engage with imagined conversations. Hsieh incorporates the art history of Taiwan into his own personal history and art practice; these two narratives forming a parallel connection in time and space, juxtaposing the original aesthetics of historical works with his contemporary use of representation and symbolism, inviting the viewer to interpret a new state of hybridity and perspective. Hsieh’s art practice reveals a sense of diversity and multiplicity, portrayed in his technique of layering images. His use of humor acts as an open invitation for audiences to engage with the deeper meaning in his works, extending beyond a mere gimmick or popular device borrowed from social media platforms. At the core of I.O.U. a Painting is the artist’s exposed reflection towards his art practice, a process that continues to evoke something unexpected. 就在藝術空間很榮幸於九月份推出謝牧岐全新個展《我欠你的畫》,此展覽以謝牧岐的繪畫隨想出發,多年的繪畫創作經驗累積與疊加,也是藝術家追問自己創作的終極目標是什麼。展覽開幕訂於9月14日(週六)下午4點,並於下午3點舉行座談,此次邀請與談人胡永芬和藝術家進行對談。 「我欠你的畫」,是一張虛實建構起來的畫,面對著我、面對著你,帶著一種認命及詼諧的口吻,引領出創作者對於個人與外在的認同感,同時也是將繪畫變成擬人化的角色,成為一個虛構對話的對象。臺灣美術史之於個人創作脈絡就如同平行時空,透過這樣的互動,雖然無法與臺灣美術史中的前輩藝術家們有真正實質對話,但前者的美感經驗與後者的再現與符號化的表現,圖像上將產生出相異而混雜的狀態。這些符號也代表一種重新觀看與詮釋的方式。透過繪畫想像與招喚臺灣美術史的脈絡,透過繪畫享受當下。現今的繪畫,呈現多樣與多元的面貌,尤其繪畫與影像的纏繞,是普遍繪畫創作者喜愛採用的方式,然而繪畫如同時下流行社群軟體中的圖像般,某種層度上只是傳達些趣味與品味於其中,然而對謝牧岐來說,畫面中的趣味性是在製造一個入口,獲取觀者的目光。但更為重要是藝術家誠實面對自己的繪畫方式,它總是可以反映出意料之外的自己,「我欠你的畫」即是如此。 |