LIMINAL PLACES -Larry Shao Solo Exhibition
2010.06.05 ~ 2010.07.04
2010.06.05 ~ 2010.07.04
Something 'liminal' is something that exists at the threshold of human perception, something barely perceptible. As a person moves through a transit setting (airport terminals, metro stations, building lobbies, traffic intersections, escalators, elevators, etc), his or her experience with the space often is minimal. While the conscious mind wanders, he or she is there and not there simultaneously.
Liminal Places consists of two bodies of works – a series of photographs and a collection of videos. The photographic works explore how the human perceptual machinery converts transit spaces to a liminal status; once these spaces are rendered liminal by people's inattention, the very existence of the places become transient. The video works depict natural rhythms found in the same environments. While the camera remains stationary from beginning to end, the structure of each piece simulates classical music – an A-B-A format in which ‘nothing’ happens, ‘something’ happens, and then ‘nothing’ again. Each excerpt is drawn from hours of footage. From within those hours, I delight in discovering these liminal ‘somethings’.
If all human activities are viewed as a kind of symphony, it isn’t very difficult to find a crescendo, a sforzando, or a diminuendo. With all the materials in an urban environment, each person a music note, the collective often times self-compose into a polyphony. What I came to find out is this: if anyone steadfastly sits at one place long enough, “chaos” too can be orchestrated.
若拿古典樂來比喻人類的活動,要尋得漸強、突強、漸弱的演奏型式其實不難。把每個個體當作個音符,這些都會中的元素自然會組成一首複音交響曲。在這系列的創作過程中我發現ㄧ件事: 只要ㄧ個人堅定的停留於ㄧ地,”混亂“也可像樂曲ㄧ樣被編制。
Liminal Places consists of two bodies of works – a series of photographs and a collection of videos. The photographic works explore how the human perceptual machinery converts transit spaces to a liminal status; once these spaces are rendered liminal by people's inattention, the very existence of the places become transient. The video works depict natural rhythms found in the same environments. While the camera remains stationary from beginning to end, the structure of each piece simulates classical music – an A-B-A format in which ‘nothing’ happens, ‘something’ happens, and then ‘nothing’ again. Each excerpt is drawn from hours of footage. From within those hours, I delight in discovering these liminal ‘somethings’.
If all human activities are viewed as a kind of symphony, it isn’t very difficult to find a crescendo, a sforzando, or a diminuendo. With all the materials in an urban environment, each person a music note, the collective often times self-compose into a polyphony. What I came to find out is this: if anyone steadfastly sits at one place long enough, “chaos” too can be orchestrated.
若拿古典樂來比喻人類的活動,要尋得漸強、突強、漸弱的演奏型式其實不難。把每個個體當作個音符,這些都會中的元素自然會組成一首複音交響曲。在這系列的創作過程中我發現ㄧ件事: 只要ㄧ個人堅定的停留於ㄧ地,”混亂“也可像樂曲ㄧ樣被編制。