On Asphalt- Jompet Kuswidananto Solo Exhibition
Jompet Kuswidananto 首次台灣個展
Jompet Kuswidananto 首次台灣個展
The Great Post Road built by Herman Willem Daendels in 1808 extends 1000 km along the north coast of Java. Rationally built from the boisterous European history that spilled on South East Asia, the road was intended to fulfill the need for military and trade traffics among colonists.
Over 2 centuries, the road has not been only a mean for transporting goods, but also dissemination of culture. And Java after that is Java that was prepared in a rush for a new connected global structure. Cities grow along the road, population multiplies and the battle to make ends meet hardens. Contact and exchange of cultures take place swiftly and keep changing the face of life within. After the rambunctious colonization era, The Great Post Road locally named as 'Pantura', a given name referring the backbone of land transportation in Java that constantly changes and being changed and never enough. The name which also reflects a new boisterous era: Indonesia The face of Indonesia after the Reformasi 1998 is more or less mirrored on all things happen on the asphalt of Pantura: A crowd on a lively road waiting for a vehicle to come and take them away; All kinds of competition over a piece of life; All kinds of negotiations among cultures; All festive of those who wins it; and all losing cries from the braves who have faced the world unaccompanied. On asphalt, culture stranded and stays. Restless and endured. 一支沒有人檯撐著的印尼軍服部隊懸吊在空間、配合帶著異國情調的鼓聲及影像,這是印尼當代藝術家中最重要的一位Jompet Kuswidananto 征戰世界各大雙/三年展及大型策展,以”Jave’s Machine”為名的知名系列作品。2010 年Jompet受邀於關渡雙年展展出3件作品,也令台灣觀眾印象深刻。今年8月,Jompet Kuswidananto以”On Asphalt”(asphalt 中文譯柏油)為主題 共7件全新作品(4件裝置、3件錄像)將在萬眾期待下於就在藝術空間展出! 印尼的主要道路是各種文化交流,不論是衝突、協商或是和平相處的重要地方。這次Jompet的作品靈感主要來自於De Grote Postweg (英譯 Great Post Road 大驛路)。總長度約1千公里的大驛路,是19世紀初荷蘭殖民政府興建的一條連接東西爪哇主要道路,歷年來扮演著不同卻重要的角色:不但讓商品四處流通,也讓各種文化相互交流。最早的印尼都市文化就是沿著大驛路開始產生。今天,這條道路已經過於複雜,”On Asphalt”延續 Jompet藝術創作中運用層疊、沉積的印尼歴史,暗示現代生活的複雜性,而這些作品也成為一種閱讀工具,以理解這個不斷轉變的社會。 Jompet Kuswidananto於1976年出生,目前居住於峇里島及日惹。1995年至1999年以音樂創作、錄製專輯及表演為主,而後轉移到視覺藝術創作。他的藝術訓練始於社群網絡,而非藝術學院。創作以裝置、錄像、聲音、表演為主。近年重要展覽有:54屆威尼斯雙年展獨立計畫” Third Realm” 、” Phantoms of Asia” (Asian Art Museum,舊金山)、” Jogjakarta Biennale XI”(日惹)、” Negotiating Home, Nation and History”(新加坡美術館)、” Contemporaneity”(上海當代美術館)、” 10th Lyon Biennale”(里昂)、”2008 Yokohama Triennale”(橫濱)等。 |