近年參與展出:「移動的隱喻:一個空間的生成」,ss space space,新北(2023)、「植光穿梭」,名山藝術,新竹(2023)、「42.195 Eco-manner」,理善藝聚空間,台北(2022)、「卡拉之卵-108級北藝大美術學系碩士班級展」,地下美術館,台北(2021)、「爛石與枯海:歐靜雲、彭禹慈、陳俊宇三人展」,就在藝術空間,台北(2020)、「肆個展」台灣美術院藝術空間,台北(2019)、「⼈造關係」美麗永安⽣活會館,新北(2018)、「展覽⼀下」九單藝術實踐空間,新北(2017)、「21g」龍⼭寺板橋⽂化廣場,新北(2016)、「Absent不在場攝影聯展」⼤觀藝廊,新北(2016)、「微型計畫-藝術家的⼯具箱」⼠林公民會館,台北(2015)。 彭禹慈近期的創作聚焦在繪畫語言所擴延中訴諸的實體,可能指向自然、精神,精神與物質只是同一個實體的兩個面向,而在她的繪畫概念中,筆觸碎形的積累視為研究拓樸空間的性質,從有序到過度(orderly to excess)而碎型的秩序,從一個絕對秩序到相對秩序,如同地圖上所移動標記的錨點,也似乎像是搭建般(並非增加)的在一個畫布上建立既不是一維也不是二維,是有分數的繪畫維度的偏移改變,實體的繪畫維度跟負空間的留自維度產生平衡。自我凹折,而又重回過頭來看,無窮的放大,都會看到同樣的東西,每個細節卻是它自己,如同語言的功能,自我奠定的雙重性,再現了再現,才再現了對象,使再現時被重覆。
Peng Yu-Tzu was born in 1996 in Taichung, Taiwan, and obtained her BFA from the National Taiwan University of Arts in 2018, currently pursuing an MFA from the National Taipei University of the Arts.
She treats painting as a medium between visual space and spiritual thinking, and her works focus on the spiritual exploration in the process of creation, and collects imagery that are composed through a reversal of reality. In terms of composition, her works feature layered fractal lines that ignites the luxuriant imagination amidst composition and scale, the blanks heighten the implicit tension of the negative space, and the chaotic brushstrokes facilitate the fusion and mutual infiltration between the subconscious and her painting vocabulary. Selected previous exhibitions include:"Moving Metaphors : The Genesis of a Space " ss space space, Taipei, Taiwan (2023), " A Flicker of Light Though the Foliage" Mingshan Art Space, Hsinchu, Taiwan (2023), "42.195 Eco-manner" Lishanartspace, Taipei, Taiwan (2022), " KARENOTAMAGO -Taipei University Of the Arts Master’s Evaluation Exhibition " Underground Experimental Field, Taipei, Taiwan (2021), " Obliteration - An Exhibition of OU, Jing-Yun, PENG You-Tzu, CHEN Jun-Yu " Project Fulfill Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan (2020),Unbridled solo Exhibition, Taiwan Academy of Fine Arts Art Space, Taipei, Taiwan (2019); Artificial Relationship, Yongan Living Arts Center, Taipei, Taiwan (2018); Exhibition it, Nine-Rooms Art Practice Space, Taipei, Taiwan (2017); 21g,Longshan Banqiao Cultural Square, Taipei, Taiwan (2016); Absent Photography Group Exhibition, Grand Vista Gallery, Taipei, Taiwan (2016); Mini-Plan-Artist’s Toolbox, Shilin Public Assembly Hall, Taipei, Taiwan (2015). |
- 2024/01/20~2024/02/24 一處鏡子花園 A Garden of Mirrors 彭禹慈個展
- 2020/07/25~2020/08/22 Obliteration 爛石與枯海:歐靜雲、彭禹慈、陳俊宇三人展