澤拓(Hiraki Sawa)1977年出生於日本石川縣,目前定居於英國倫敦。先後於英國東倫敦大學(University of East London)、倫敦大學史烈德藝術學院(Slade School of Art at University College) 獲美術學士及碩士學位。他的作品曾於札幌國際藝術祭(2017),里昂雙年展(2013)、雪梨雙年展(2010)、釜山雙年展(2008)、橫濱三年展(2005)展出。
近期重要展覽包含:納瓦拉大學美術館(2019); 以色列威爾弗里德亞洲藝術與研究博物館,以色列(2018); Parallax,宜蘭,台灣(2017); 台北市立美術館,台北,台灣(2017); 森美術館,東京,日本(2016); 東京歌劇院畫廊,東京,日本(2014); 國立國際美術館,大阪,日本(2013); 埃爾米塔日博物館,聖彼得堡,俄羅斯(2013); 資生堂畫廊,東京,日本(2012); 貝桑松美術館,貝桑松與Le Consortium,迪戎,法國(2010); Chisendale畫廊,倫敦,英國(2008); 維多利亞國家美術館,墨爾本,澳洲(2006); MOCA廣島市現代美術館,日本(2006); 赫希杭博物館和雕塑園,華盛頓,美國(2005); 漢默美術館,洛杉磯,美國(2005); 聖路易斯藝術博物館,科爾比學院藝術博物館,美國(2005) |
Hiraki Sawa (born 1977, Ishikawa, Japan.) lives and works in London, United Kingdom. He received his BFA from the University of East London and his MFA from the Slade School of Art at University College, London. His work has been featured in the 2017 Sapporo International Art Festival; the 2013 Biennale de Lyon; the 2010 Biennale of Sydney; the 2008 Busan Biennial; the 2005 Yokohama Trienniale and the 2003 Biennale de Lyon. Recent exhibitions include: University Museum of Navarra, Spain (2019); Wildred Israel Museum of Asian Art & Studies, Israel (2018); Parallax, Yilan, Taiwan (2017); Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei Taiwan (2017); Mori Art Museum, Tokyo, Japan (2016); Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery, Tokyo, Japan (2014); The National Museum of Art, Osaka, Japan (2013); State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, Russia (2013); Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo, Japan (2012); Musée des Beaux-Arts et d'Archéologie et Musée du Temps de Besançon with Le Consortium, Dijon, France (2010); Chisenhale Gallery, London (2008); National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia (2006); Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art, Hiroshima, Japan (2006); Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington DC, USA (2005); Hammer Museum at UCLA, Los Angeles, USA, (2005); Saint Louis Art Museum, St. Louis; Colby College Museum of Art, Waterville, USA (2005)
- 2020/02/22~2020/03/28 Absent - Hiraki Sawa Solo Exhibition
- 2015/04/11~2015/05/16 TERRAIN - Hiraki Sawa Solo Exhibition