The Edgeless Edge - Sean Wang Solo Exhibition
The distance between imagination and reality seems to be infinite. In terms of painting that makes imagination a reality, depiction and description are the process and result of imagination. The concept of “boundless” was derived from our imagination about “limit,” such as how vast the sky is, how many buildings are there in the city we dwell, or how much light is refracted. These macroscopic questions in turn inspired our contemplation of infinity and finiteness, just as our abstract thinking on the world by virtue of the nature of art. This context perpetuates my solo exhibition Imaging the Imaginary Plane staged last year, treating “white” as the point of departure for painting. Our struggle for depicting this world resembles the pursuit, in a fixed framework though, of eternity and infinity as pure as white.
想像與現實的距離彷彿無垠。在實現想像的繪畫向度而言,描繪述說是想像的過程與結果。無垠的概念來自於我們對於侷限想像,如同天空有多寬廣、我們居住的城市有多少建築、抑或光線的折射有多少,這些遙遙無際的提問,卻也使我們開啟了無限與有限的思考向度,一如我們透過藝術的本質去針對世界進行抽象思維的提問。而這也是承繼去年想像你就是白色展出作品的向度延伸,白色作為繪畫的開端,而我們所描述的這個世界,卻如同在框架當中尋求一如白色般的永恆與無限。 |