Will You Be There?
Loom 02 - RohwaJeong, Jaeyoung Park, Jungki Beak, Hyein Lee x Lu Yi, Sunjung Kim, Juwon Choi
Loom 02 - RohwaJeong, Jaeyoung Park, Jungki Beak, Hyein Lee x Lu Yi, Sunjung Kim, Juwon Choi
Project Fulfill Art Space presents the much anticipated collaborative project Loom 02, opening at the end of December 2018. Featuring artworks by the Korean contemporary artist collective ‘Loom’, with highly recognized Seoul-based curator Sunjung Kim as art advisor to the project. The collective consists of five young Korean artists all born in 1981, bringing a dynamic mix of paintings, installation, sound and new media works, exhibiting for the first time to Taiwan audiences as the Loom 02 project. Their creative approach explores space and time, transcending boundaries and engaging with the local environment, creating a unique energy within their work.
Guillaume Musso’s novel Will You Be There charts the journey of the main protagonist Elliott Cooper as he travels back in time to encounter his past self from the 1970’s. Moving through a time gap of thirty years, the novel illustrates the life of Cooper in two different time periods, as he attempts to communicate with his past in order to change his future. His past self leaves a message for his future in order to revisit him, by tattooing on his body the words; “Waiting for your next visit”. “If time travel is possible, where are the tourists from the future?” -Stephen Hawking (Will You Be There, p. 65) The present is essentially an accumulation of the past. We often wonder whether things would have turned out differently if we had chosen otherwise, raising the question; “what if I had…?” Much like Elliott Cooper influencing his life and those around him through space and time, the collaborators in the Loom Project are interconnected in a similar way. The Loom Project is a collective formed by the artists RohwaJeong; Jungki Beak; Jaeyoung Park and Hyein Lee. Since 2016 the artists collaboratively conducted research and experimentation contemplating the issues surrounding generational discourse and the uncertain future laid out before them. This process was carried out over the course of a year, programmed as Loom 01, and continued to define the focus of the project, with its latest progression exhibited for the first time as Loom 02 in Taipei. The central thread among the art works is the notion of time. The relationship between time and space is portrayed through visual abstraction, archived contents and displacement through real-time video. Artist duo RohwaJeong’s art works 0-llll and screen0-llll applies various textile materials with different opacities and thickness, such as gauze, polyvinyl sheet, mesh screen and carpet among others, creating suspended layered patterns that are materialized as silkscreen prints overlaid on paper. Jaeyoung Park’s installation Piece portrays a section of space reconstructed from different time periods. The work is spliced within the exhibition space, creating a segmented experience of time. Hyein Lee’s painting series XDXD capture the random occurrences during her FaceTime and Skype video sessions with local Taipei artist Lu Yi, exploring the perceptions of real-time and simultaneity across time zones and geographical boundaries. Jungki Beak’s art practice directly uses time and space as a medium; his photographic series of autumn foliage Is of: Fall are printed with pigments extracted from the fallen leaves themselves; while his sound archive series Memorial Antenna records the sounds collected using public statues as radio antennae. The exhibition will also include a collaborative four-layered work portraying each artist’s particular nuances as well as the interactions created as a collective. The Loom Project’s exploration extends beyond a singular notion; where even a simple gesture in conversation can muster a retrospective power, shaping our human relationships both formally and conceptually. Through a communal exchange between collaborators, the salience of particular locations and the associations derived from each collaborator’s experience of time is retained and permeates throughout the exhibition space. The exhibition portrays a novelty in the familiar, by arousing individuality of space, invigorating the past and through exchanging the differences in locations. Not only are questions of crossing time and space explored, but also the effects that emerge from the process of discovery that reach beyond one’s individual subjectivity. Text: Sunjung Kim 就在藝術空間在2018年底為台灣觀眾推出由韓國重要策展人金宣庭(Kim Sunjung)為藝術指導,帶領韓國藝術家團體Loom展出創作計畫《Loom 02》。Loom是五位皆為1981年出生的藝術家組成的團體。《Loom 02》計畫以繪畫,裝置,聲音與新媒體來探索空間與時間、超越邊界及銜接在地環境,進而創造出具有獨特能量的作品。 穆索(Guillaume Musso)的小說《你會在那兒嗎?》描繪主角庫柏(Elliott Cooper)回到過去,與1970年代的自己相遇的旅程。這部小說的故事橫跨三十年,敘述的是庫柏於這兩段不同時間裡的生活;與此同時,他亦試圖與過去的自己溝通,以求改變未來。庫柏過去的自己在身上留下「等待你下一次造訪」這一行刺青,作為一道給未來自己的訊息,以便再度造訪自己。 「倘若時間旅行是可能的,那麼這些來自未來的旅客又在何處?」 —霍金(Stephen Hawking),引自《你會在那兒嗎?》,第65頁 當下本質上就是過去的累積。我們經常好奇,如果我們做出不同的選擇,事態是否就會有不同的發展。於是我們會自問:「倘若我當初做了(什麼事)…?」就像庫柏穿越時空,影響了自己的人生和他身邊的人一樣,這些在Loom 計畫當中的協作者也以類似的方式相互牽連。這項計畫是由藝術家RohwaJeong、Jungki Beak、Jaeyoung Park,以及Hyein Lee所構成的集體計畫。這些藝術家自2016年起便共同進行研究與實驗,思索關於世代論述的議題,以及呈現在他們面前的不確定未來。這個為期一年的過程被編碼為《Loom 01》,除了持續確立這項計畫的焦點,亦將以《Loom 02》為名在台北首次展出其最新進度。 該計畫中的藝術作品圍繞著「時間」這條主軸,以視覺抽象、檔案化內容,以及實時錄像的錯置來刻劃時間與空間的關係。藝術雙人組RohwaJeong的作品《0-llll》與《screen0-llll》採用具有不同透明度與厚度的織物,例如薄紗、聚乙烯板、網篩和地毯等,創造出懸浮分層的圖案,表現為覆蓋在紙上的絲網印刷品。Jaeyoung Park的裝置作品《Piece》描繪一個由不同時間片段重構而成的空間切面,拼接在展場空間中,創造出一種分割式的時間體驗。Hyein Lee的繪畫系列作品《XDXD》擷取她與台北在地藝術家Lu Yi在Facetime與Skype上通訊時的隨機事件,探索跨越時區與地理疆界的實時與同步感知。Jungki Beak的作品直接以時間和空間作為媒介。他的秋葉攝影系列《Is of: Fall》是用落葉本身萃取的顏料印製而成。他的聲音檔案系列《Memorial Antenna》記錄著以公共雕像作為收音天線所收集到的聲響。這檔展覽亦包含一件四個層次的協作作品,描繪每位藝術家的特殊細微差異,以及他們作為一個團體所創造出來的互動。 Loom計畫的探索範疇超越單一概念,即使是言談中的一個簡單手勢,也能激發某種回顧性力量,在形式上與概念上形塑人類彼此之間的關係。特殊地點的顯著性,以及各個協作者對時間體驗的聯想,可透過協作者之間的集體交流而獲得保留,並滲透至整個展覽空間。這檔展覽透過激發空間個性、活化過去,以及交換不同地點的差異,成功地在我們熟悉的事物中刻劃出新奇的特質。這項計畫探索的不僅是穿越時空的問題,更涉及那些從超越個人主體性的發現過程中所產生的效應。 文/金宣庭 Host 主辦單位: Project Fulfill Art Space 就在藝術空間 Organizer 策劃單位: Space for Contemporary Art 當代藝術空間 Supported by 協辦單位: Arts Council Korea 韓國文化藝術委員會 |