Y2K Artist Duo
1996 出生於台灣台中 2019 畢業於實踐大學媒體傳達設計學系 2019- 就讀國立清華大學跨院國際碩士,生命科學院 周巧其為新一代創作者,專長於生物操作與機構製造。其家庭中植物研究的背景與生態保育的熱誠,對於她在藝術發展的方向影響深遠。就讀實踐大學期間,周巧其開始投入創作生物裝置作品,其作品時常環繞於環境議題的批判,著重於觀賞者的實際體驗並減少過多的比喻。在與創作者胡悠揚合作後作品特質更被彰顯,並且與之共同創立Y2K創作組合,爾後創作了多樣探討人與植物之間關係的作品,也更加確立了創作方向。她現在就讀於台灣國立清華大學,並接受生命科學家李家維老師的指導,相信在如此的環境中,更加能激發生物科學與藝術之間的碰撞。 Chou Chiao-Chi
Born in 1996, Taichung, Taiwan 2019 Graduated from Shih Chien University, Department of Media Communication Design 2019 - Currently studying at National Tsing Hua University, International Intercollegiate Master Program, Department of Life Science Chou is a new generation creator specializing in biological manipulation and mechanics. Her family background of botanical scientific research and enthusiasm for ecological conservation has had a profound impact on her artistic development. While studying in the Department of Media Communication Design at Shih Chien University, Chou began to devote herself in creating biological installations, often reflecting on the criticism surrounding environmental issues, focusing on the authentic experience of the viewer and reducing extraneous metaphors. The characteristics of her work have heightened since her collaboration with artist Hu You-Yang, and they co-founded the artist duo Y2K, creating a series of works exploring the relationship between humans and plants, further establishing their creative direction. Chou is currently studying at the Department of Life Science, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, under the guidance of Professor Li Chia-Wei. She believes that in this field of study, the collision between biological science and art can stimulate new conversations.
1995 出生於中國武漢 2018 畢業於實踐大學媒體傳達設計學系 2018- 就讀台灣大學資訊網路與多媒體研究所 胡悠揚是一位遊走於科技與藝術邊界的新媒體創作者,專長於數位編程與軟硬體整合,他致力於使用細膩的眼光,延伸為感性的、直覺式的手法,將新媒介重新置入生活。 在就讀實踐大學期間,胡悠揚發掘了對於電腦編程的天賦。在參與Y2K組合的初期,他著重於的舊物體交互設計,將舊物質作為喚起經驗者記憶的材料,執行完成以機械性打字機為主體,用以傳達對爺爺思念的作品”應跡”之後,他更加清楚自己在科技與藝術的交界處所處的立場,並且善於把握平衡的秤陀,於往後不論側重於電算器或植物訊號的多項作品中,堅持以實際操作與體驗,完成對超越現實的思考與討論。目前在台灣大學就讀,專注於學習電腦科學與深度學習的專業學識,並且將以其為主軸展開文化上的討論。 Hu You-Yang
Born in 1995, Wuhan, China 2018 Graduated from Shih Chien University, Department of Media Communication Design 2018- Currently studying at the Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia, National Taiwan University. Hu You-Yang is a new media artist who blurs the boundaries between technology and art. Specializing in digital programming and the integration of software and hardware, his perceptive eye allows him to extend his sensory and intuitive approach, placing new media back into the context of daily life. While studying at the Department of Media Communication Design at Shih Chien University, Hu discovered his talent for computer programming. In the early stages of Y2K's collaboration, he focused on interactive design using old objects to evoke memories in the viewer. He developed an awareness and ability to balance the junction between technology and art, whether focusing on computers or plant signals, he insists on using practical operation and experience to realize his works, transcending reality through examination and discussion. Hu is currently studying at the Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia, National Taiwan University, focusing on computer science, seeking to open up conversations in a cultural framework.