Breezy Afternoon
Wang Chung-Kun Solo Exhibition
微風的午後-王仲堃 聲音裝置展
2021.08.28 - 2021.10.02
2021.08.28 - 2021.10.02
此次展出了《風聽 - 2021 - P》為2018年駐村時的變體,藉由三組風車轉動環繞一圈的笛子,輕輕吹奏著如鳥鳴的聲響。《揮 - 2021- P》在空間豎立起數支羽翼,隨風搖擺,在槓桿力矩的推動下,撥動細碎的聲響。《風向 - 2021 - P》群集一起的小扇葉,透過不同形式的結構,看見風的流向,與隨風起舞的姿態。也在展覽安排幾件補風的小品裝置,希望能捉到各種不同風流的想像。 緩慢流動的氣息,竟似午後甦醒的慵懶,靜心觀察也好,起身行動也好,皆有不同與風互動的體會。 王仲堃自2006年開始以聲音與動力雕塑作為主要創作的媒材。發展過許多以氣體發聲的機械裝置,透過物理機械的造聲,尋找別於過往的新聲。也曾透過許多複雜的數位控制系統,讓聲音裝置的展現,除了作為演出現場的樂器裝置,也發展了許多自成一格的聲音雕塑。過往對於機械與數位媒材的擁抱,讓作品在迴圈式的運轉中,能加入更多靈活且具有模擬自然的隨機狀態。偶發隨機的元素,也成了過往作品中極為重要的思考。如聲音在程式運轉中的隨機,在時間與人介入的觸發產生不斷變化的聲響結構,這一切僅須透過幾行程式碼就能解決。 數位的便捷,讓想法可以快速的展現,就像語言的學習一樣,當掌握的越熟悉,就越容易表達心中所想的樣子。但物理機械的呈現,需要時間與更多技巧的累積,充滿更多不可預知的情況,這些過程在數位與類比交織的過程中,碰撞出更多在思考作品與人及環境互動的多種想像。 王仲堃在2018年駐村時,反思過往透過數位控制的方便,想找尋一種更貼近於人性的狀態。試圖回歸原初學習動力雕塑的心境,思考如何透過純類比的方式,來觸發隨機。從卡爾德的作品啟發,嘗試了平衡雕塑,靜止平衡的狀態,若當氣流稍有改變,動態隨之變化著。就在來回於懸掛的平衡扇葉踱步之時,扇葉隨後轉動呈現氣流細微變化。想藉由這微弱的力量,試著讓聲音介入。於是開始有了《風聽》系列作品。 We are pleased to present sound artist Wang Chung-Kun’s solo exhibition Breezy Afternoon, set to open in August at Project Fulfill Art Space. The artist will showcase new works from his series Sound of Wind, which harnesses the mesmerizing power of the wind to create an organic soundscape. His installations respond to the disruptions of air flow in the exhibition space, using delicately light fan blades, swaying with the air current and converting this invisible energy into various sounds. Wang seeks to create a unique visual and sound experience, pushing the possibilities of sound art. The exhibition will feature three artworks; Sound of Wind – 2021 – P is a variant of his series of works developed from his time as artist in residence at BankART 1929, Yokohama in 2018. The installation features three sets of blades, which rotate like a windmill, channeling air around a circle of flutes, creating a gentle birdsong-like whistle. Sound of Wield – 2021 – P consists of several wing-like standing structures, which create a crisp sound driven by lever movement and air flow. Flow – 2021 – P is formed from clusters of fan blades, which reveal the dancing movement of air flow through their different formations. Throughout the exhibition space, the artist has also placed small installations that trap air currents in various corners of the space, seeking to spark the viewer’s imagination of wind. The slowly flowing and swaying exhibition resembles the laziness of waking up in the afternoon. The artist invites viewers to discover their own experience, whether a meditative observation, or actively moving in the space, exploring all the different interactions with wind and sound. |