她有著鮮明獨特的個人繪畫風格,擅長以童話故事為畫本的方式,建構起一種卡漫似的超寫實敘事風格作品,相較於卡漫扁平方式的畫面呈現,張嘉穎的繪畫流露出深厚古典油畫的紮實創作功力,包含構圖的精準及用色的靈敏,在在顯示出藝術家細膩的筆法和引人入勝的故事情節。ㄧ如過往的作品特徵,張嘉穎畫中的每個角色都有雙大眼,當觀者與之四目相會時,便開始串接起迴路,童話故事翩然而起,觀者視線並會游移到每個角色上,看似是獨立個體的人物則會因為觀看者各自的想像產生不同的連結,譜出不一樣的故事情節,達到藝術家所謂“符旨(signified)的多義性"。 |
CHANG Chia-Ying was born in 1982 in Taipei and acquired a master’s degree from the Graduate Institute of Plastic Arts, Tainan National University of the Arts. Her work has a distinctive and unique approach, mastering the use of the fairy tale as the basis for her work, constructing a cartoon-manga, surrealist narrative style. In contrast to the flat surfaces of a cartoon or manga, CHANG’s precise composition and sensitive use of color reveals profound skill in classical oil painting, displaying her delicate brushwork and captivating story telling. All of the figures that appear in her work possess the defining characteristic of a pair of huge eyes, and as the viewer meets their gaze, a circuit is formed creating the beginnings of a fairy tale. The viewer’s line of sight wanders to each character, although seemingly independent from each other, the viewer can start to imagine their own connections, creating a multitude of different stories. This process achieves the artist’s intended ambiguity in her work, where the ‘signified’ expands the interpretative possibilities.