Mini Me
CHANG Chia-Ying Solo Exhibition
CHANG Chia-Ying Solo Exhibition
Project Fulfill Art Space is pleased to present our first collaboration with artist CHANG Chia-Ying towards her new solo exhibition Mini Me, opening in October 2017. A selection of 10 new works will be displayed, including Tears of Cyborg, Snow White’s Fairyland and The Hero With A Thousand Faces series. The opening reception will be on Friday 20th October at 2pm, and an artist talk will be held on 25th November at 3pm with guests HUANG Chien-Hung and CHEN Fangling.
The term ‘mini’ in Chinese has several different interpretations. ‘Mi’ also forms part of the term ‘mihuo’ meaning ‘confused’, describing the sense of allowing the audience to become trapped within the painting, inside a world that is a closed, infinite circle. ‘Mi’ is also “a form of micro”, where one painting’s protagonist can exist in another painting as a mini version of itself. ‘Mini’ can also point to “the creator and viewers themselves”, when facing the expanse of an endless narrative, the creator and viewer becomes miniaturized. Like a theatrical fairy tale montage, the works are continuously dismantled and transposed, exploring the use of ‘cuteness’ as a façade when confronting the powerlessness of our own reality, like a mystery with no exit. The works exhibited in Mini Me include characters extended from the artist’s previous works, such as the character Shapiro from Dark Shapiro and the twins from Twin’s Secret Experiment. While at the same time introducing new characters such as the cyborg – a bionic figure, and classic fairy tale characters such as Snow White. CHANG’s works allude to the contexts of classical Western portraiture, the multiple perspectives of traditional Chinese landscape paintings, as well as contemporary media and graphic elements from urban cultural trends, reflecting on the values and roles within a mix of generational, cultural and societal topics. The Hero With A Thousand Faces series can be rotated 360 degrees, offering different interpretations when viewed from various angles. Compared to her previous works where she focused on contrasting and integrating different narratives, the works in this exhibition extend this integration further by creating a more forceful intimacy, forming a mixture of connections, like a continuously exploding parallel universe, shattering only to be regurgitated into another form. This process creates an almost uncontrollable journey, the narrative is dismantled, sampled, enlarged and dismantled again, creating a fragmented fable of a hero without an ever after. Among the post 1980s Taiwanese artists, CHANG Chia-Ying is without a doubt a key representative of the times. Her work has a distinctive and unique approach, mastering the use of the fairy tale as the basis for her work, constructing a cartoon-manga, surrealist narrative style. In contrast to the flat surfaces of a cartoon or manga, CHANG’s precise composition and sensitive use of color reveals profound skill in classical oil painting, displaying her delicate brushwork and captivating story telling. All of the figures that appear in her work possess the defining characteristic of a pair of huge eyes, and as the viewer meets their gaze, a circuit is formed creating the beginnings of a fairy tale. The viewer’s line of sight wanders to each character, although seemingly independent from each other, the viewer can start to imagine their own connections, creating a multitude of different stories. This process achieves the artist’s intended ambiguity in her work, where the ‘signified’ expands the interpretative possibilities. CHANG Chia-Ying received the ‘2007 Selected’, Kaohsiung Award and the ‘2006 Best Selection’ Taipei Art Wards. Her work is included in the collections of Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan and the National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan. Project Fulfill Art Space warmly invites you to join us for the events celebrating the arts this October and enjoy CHANG Chia-Ying’s new works in her solo exhibition Mini Me. 就在藝術空間很榮幸於十月份推出張嘉穎全新個展「迷你謎」,此次也為張嘉穎首度於就在藝術空間舉辦個人創作展覽,預計將推出十件新作,包含《賽博格的眼淚》、《白雪電幻物語》以及《千面英雄》系列等。開幕活動訂於10月20日(週五)下午2點,並於11月25日(週六)下午3點舉行座談,此次邀請黃建宏以及陳芳玲兩位與談人和藝術家進行對談。 「迷你」有幾種不同的解讀方式,迷作為"迷惑",讓觀者困在畫面裡面,困在一個封閉而無限迴圈的世界裡。迷作為"某種微觀",一個畫面裡的主角,在另一個畫面裡只是一個微小而迷你的存在。迷你亦可指射到"創作者和觀眾本身",在面對一個無止盡的敘事中,創作者(觀者)是何其的迷你。就像是不斷被拆解移植,蒙太奇似的童話劇場,藝術家以一貫的可愛手法去包裝,在面對現實世界的無力感,猶如一個沒有出口的「謎」。 此次「迷你謎」所展出的作品,部分角色延續自先前的創作如《暗夜沙皮諾》裡的沙皮諾及《雙胞胎的秘密實驗》中的雙胞胎,並創造出全新人物列如賽博格(cyborg) 一個電子人物角色和經典童話角色白雪公主等。帶著西洋古典繪畫的人像脈絡、中國山水的多點透視、以及當代媒體訊息及街頭潮流文化的平面圖層,反映對於各種世代、文化、社會、價值、角色的混合。《千面英雄》系列為能夠360度旋轉的圓形畫作,根據旋轉的角度不同而從不同視點接連出不同發想。 此次展覽創作系列作品相較以往較為文本主題式的對照方式,彼此之間將有更為強烈的關係,而這種交雜關係像是不斷爆炸的平行宇宙支離破碎地相互吞噬,而產生一種接近失控的旅程,透過敘事的拆解、取樣,然後再放大再拆解,造就一個沒有永遠英雄的破碎神話。 在八零後的台灣藝術家之中,張嘉穎絕對是其中一位能代表其時代創作的藝術家,她有著鮮明獨特的個人繪畫風格,擅長以童話故事為畫本的方式,建構起一種卡漫似的超寫實敘事風格作品,相較於卡漫扁平方式的畫面呈現,張嘉穎的繪畫流露出深厚古典油畫的紮實創作功力,包含構圖的精準及用色的靈敏,在在顯示出藝術家細膩的筆法和引人入勝的故事情節。ㄧ如過往的作品特徵,張嘉穎畫中的每個角色都有雙大眼,當觀者與之四目相會時,便開始串接起迴路,童話故事翩然而起,觀者視線並會游移到每個角色上,看似是獨立個體的人物則會因為觀看者各自的想像產生不同的連結,譜出不一樣的故事情節,達到藝術家所謂“符旨(signified)的多義性"。 張嘉穎作品曾獲2007年「高雄獎入選」以及2006年「台北美術獎 優選」。 作品受關渡美術館及國立台灣美術館等典藏。就在藝術空間誠摯邀請您在精彩的十月藝文之際參與此次展覽活動,共同欣賞藝術家張嘉穎全新創作個展–「迷你謎」。 藝術家簡介 張嘉穎 1982年出生於台灣台北,現創作居住於台北。 作品透露出一種“童話短路”的狀態,為何說是童話短路,那是因為在作品中每個符號看似有他的任務,都在做著某件事,也都在演譯著自己的故事,但是都是被切斷的,一個個的故事之間並無準確的順序,相較於卡漫藝術是扁平的,有如一個畫面定格,在畫面的背後並沒有要講述太多的內容,相對於這種符旨(signified)的匱乏,藝術家追求的是符旨(signified)的多義性。 重要個展:「迷你謎,就在藝術空間,台北,台灣(2017)」、「暗夜沙皮諾,伊通公園,台北,台灣(2016)」、「張嘉穎個展:童話轉生術,台北當代藝術館,台北,台灣(2014)」、「張嘉穎個展:莫比烏斯∞童話寒舍空間,台北,台灣(2010)」、「張嘉穎個展─ㄉㄨㄞ ㄉㄨㄞ人,也趣藝廊,台北,台灣(2006)」。 重要聯展:「亞洲的脈動:雙年展國際交流,光州美術館,光州,韓國(2016) 」、「她的凝視- -臺灣當代女性藝術家作品展,紐約臺北文化中心,紐約,美國(2016) 」、「花&樣 入夢生花當代藝術家交流展,蟻巢美術館,福建漳州,中國(2015)」、「視肉,采泥畫廊,台北,台灣(2015)」、「台灣報到─2014台灣美術雙年展,國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣(2014)」、「界:台灣當代藝術展1995-2013,美國康乃爾大學強生美術館,紐約,美國(2014)」、「未來通行證-從亞洲到全球,威尼斯雙年展平行展,今日美術館,北京,中國(2012)」、「未來通行證-從亞洲到全球,威尼斯雙年展平行展,國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣(2012)」、「未來通行證-從亞洲到全球,威尼斯雙年展平行展,威尼斯,義大利(2011)」、「改造歷史2000-2009年的中國新藝術」,北京國家展覽館,北京,中國(2010)」、「台灣藝術新世代,北京今日美術館,北京,中國(2010)」、「台灣藝術新世代,上海美術館,上海,中國(2009)」、「寓意非 / 現實 - 2009動漫美學雙年展」,上海當代藝術館,上海,中國(2009)」等。 作品獲獎及典藏:「高雄獎入選(2007)」、「台北美術獎 優選(2006)」、關渡美術館及國立台灣美術館等私人典藏。 |