CHANG Yun-Hang 張 允 菡
張允菡1985出生於台灣彰化,現居住創作於台北,作品聚焦於藝術創作在各種日常生活的現身,大多源自對於週遭的省察,經由感受狀態後的反饋以尋找共同經驗的邊際。近期思考則關注於個體與社會之間的連結、關係與實踐,抑或反身觀看如何被形塑建構。相信藝術是存於現實之中,藉由想像而創造裂隙的可能。藝術家在2018獲得台北美術獎優選,近期重要展覽包含:「新傾向:張允菡」,尤倫斯當代藝術中心,北京,中國(2018)、「曼谷雙年展:影像台北」,Cho Why,曼谷,泰國(2018)、「As Part of It」,Residency Unlimited,紐約,美國(2017)、「其實我們什麼都不是-張允菡個展」,台北當代藝術中心,台北(2015)、「活彈藥」,台北當代藝術館,台北,台灣(2011)、「2010台北雙年展」台北市立美術館,台北,台灣(2010)。
Chang Yun-Han was born in 1985 in Changhua, Taiwan, and currently lives and works in Taipei. Her art practice focuses on the presence of everyday life, reflecting the subtle invisibility of her surroundings, exploring the common experiences and borders that are waiting to be identified. Her recent concerns address how we construct and navigate the connections and relationships between the individual and society. The artist describes the existence of art as a medium for human imagination, which can rupture reality to create different perspectives. Chang was awarded the Taipei Art Awards Honorable Mention in 2018, selected recent exhibitions include: New Direction Chang Yun-Han solo exhibition, Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, Beijing, China (2018); Bangkok Biennial 2018, Cinema Taipei, Cho Why, Bangkok, Thailand (2018); You Are Not What You Think You Are, Taipei Contemporary Art Center, Taipei, Taiwan (2015); Live Ammo, MoCA Taipei, Taipei, Taiwan (2010); 2010 Taipei Biennial, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei, Taiwan (2010).
- 2019/5/01~2019/6/08 Rats Will Be Rats 「老鼠終究仍是老鼠」