Chen Jun-Yu Solo Exhibition
《注意你的行為!》 陳俊宇個展
2023.04.08 - 2023.04.29 |
開展 Opening | 2023.04.08 (六) Sat.
座談 Artist Talk | 2023.04.29 (六) Sat. 2pm 與談人 Panelist | 李明學 Lee Ming-Hsueh |
就在藝術空間很榮幸於4月份推出藝術家陳俊宇首次創作個展-《注意你的行為!》“Attention!”。與2020年作品《_USED TO》每個週六8小時不間斷表演不同的是,本次個展陳俊宇將會是週二至六11:00- 19:00,連續三週在畫廊進行一個不間斷,也不能下場休息的行為表演《流量 / Eudaimonia》。
在此次的個展計劃中,藝術家陳俊宇藉由「注意你的行為」這句自己時常被耳提面命的提醒,進行對於“行為”一詞做出兩種面向的反思-“Behavior”,在社會期待下對自己行為無時不刻地投以關注並屢加規範;以及“Performance”此種創作的形式,回顧自己過去的創作,在展演進行之後徒具殘餘遺骸般的紀錄,要如何使其轉化並以另一種定義而重新得以展出。 展覽最後一天 ( 4月29日星期六)下午14:00-16:00,我們邀請藝術家李明學與陳俊宇在展場中舉行一場特殊座談展演。 展覽介紹: 公開場合裸體、路邊睡午覺、公然尿尿、彈一手爛琴。「注意你的行為!」回家的時候我記得家人是這樣提醒我的。這一句源自於日常的叮嚀,乃至規訓,放在本就高度自我關注的網路世代中,顯得有些諷刺。 在今天,Youtube、Twitter、抖音等軟體上充斥著大眾自我消費的圖像。疫情以後,加速度的社會與技術的跟進更是鞏固了此一現象。以「自我剝削」為架構的網紅世界,監控自己的形象是我們的日常。我以「直播介面」、「檔案的重組」與「對注意力的佈署」為方法,在展覽中反覆操演。幾乎是一種自投羅網的姿態,試圖回應科技監控資本主義下,這般自溺的風景。是一種對現狀的調侃,也是一種注意自己的行為(Behavior)。 而了在長時間的展演中保持專注,我經常透過藥物來控制身體,主要以維他命B群與過動症(ADHD)藥物—利他能(Ritalin)為主,聽起來雖然負面,但這件事其實很平凡。因為你也可能曾經被家人問過,吃維他命沒有?吃B群沒有?在溫柔提醒的背後,它其實是隱含著意識形態。它教導你該早睡早起,按時上班,並且保持充沛活力,否則你就不算是有規律的管理自己的生活。此次展覽中也使用了維他命B群的顏色(亮黃色)來回應在多工與多介面的時代下,人們仰賴外力來掌控生活節奏的一種方式。 於此,「注意你的行為!」不只是做為展名,也同時將它視作建構展覽的指令。我將其英譯為「Attention!」,這個單辭的普遍用法是立正也是注意的意思。中文作為我的創作指令,而英文名稱則是對觀眾的一種提醒與呼喚。透過對注意力的部屬,在專心與分心之間調度觀展的焦點。 本次展覽將有兩個每日8小時行為表演(週二-六),分別由藝術家本人及一位表演者擔任。 。。。。。。。 Project Fulfill Art Space is pleased to present Performance artist Chen Jun-Yu's first solo exhibition "注意你的行為!(Mind Your Behavior!)" / "Attention!" in April. Different from the artist’s previous work "_USED TO" in 2020, which had been performed every Saturday, Chen Jun-Yu is going to present a new performance " Eudaimonia", which he will perform from 11:00 to 19:00, Tuesday to Saturday during the three-weeks-long exhibition. In the solo exhibition, Chen Jun-Yu uses the phrase "Watch your behavior" as a hint to reflect on the word "behavior(行為)". The two aspects he interprets - "Behavior", as an individual constantly feels concerned about their action and regulate it under the expectations of the society; And "Performance" - when Artist reviews his previous works through the record, document and stage properties, which are like the relicts and remnants of those performance. The possibility to have them convert and display with another purpose. On the last day of the exhibition (Saturday, April 29th) from 14:00 to 16:00, we invite artist Lee Ming-Hsueh to join up with Chen Jun-Yu to hold a special artists talk and performance in the exhibition hall. About Exhibition Public nudity, roadside naps, public peeing, play an instrument horribly. "Watch your behavior!" my family remind me. This sentence quoted from a daily exhortation, sometime even used as discipline. It seems a bit ironic how often it is heard/said in the generation that is already highly self-conscious. Today, YouTube, Twitter, TikTok and other social medias are flooded with images of the mass to a point that is self-consuming. After the pandemic, the accelerated society and technological development has deepened this phenomenon. In the Internet world based on "self-exploitation", monitoring our own image is a daily routine. I took the methods of "live interface", "reconstruction of files" and "deployment of attention" to organize a repeated process. It is almost a gesture of self-indulgence, to entangled myself into such a scene of technological surveillance that is impelled by capitalism. It is a kind of ridicule to the status quo, an action of paying attention to oneself. In order to stay focused during long-term performances, I often use medical drug to control my body, mainly vitamin B complex and Ritalin (primary medication for ADHD). As normal as it is, if we think of how often people would ask “Do you take vitamins?” “Have you taken Vitamins B?”. Within these questions, there is an expectation for people to abide by a certain regulation, a schedule for rest and work, a condition of body to maintain. The color of vitamin B (bright yellow) is also used in this exhibition, as a metaphor of the status that people rely on external support, to keep up with the pace of life in the era of multi-tasking and multi-interface. Hence, "注意你的行為!(Mind your behavior!)" is not only used as the title of the exhibition, but also as an instruction to construct the exhibition. As for the English title "Attention!", the word is commonly used to account for awareness. The phrase is my creative instruction, while the English word is a reminder that calls to the audience. In order to allocate attention, adjust the focus between concentration and distraction in the exhibition. The exhibition will present two daily 8-hour performances (Tuesday-Saturday), performed by the artist himself and a performer respectively. |