Quiet Noise - Fujui Wang Solo Exhibition
Project Fulfill Art space is proud to announce the up-coming exhibition, "Quiet Noise", a solo exhibition by the pioneer of sound arts, Fujui Wang. Quiet Noise is in an existent but opaque state, a form of exploration of the sporadic connections between the urban sounds and the space. 2 sound installations and 6 prints will be shown in the space.
The discoveries regarding the using of electricity precipitated the Second Industrial Revolution. Electricity ran through cities like blood in the veins in human bodies, converting dashing, invisible electromagnetic waves into sounds through coils and shaping electromagnetic soundscapes of the cities. There is an interactive installation in the main exhibition space which deconstructed the recorded electromagnetic soundscape. Audiences need to hold a special instrument and walk into the electrified aluminum frames hung from the ceiling, a metaphor of buildings in the city, in order to hear the electromagnetic soundscapes Fujui Wang had recorded. In the other installation, audiences need to stand in between a custom made transparent speakers in order to listen the sounds Fujui had recorded in the MRT cars of the same line for 100 days: Continuous, boisterous, blurry, repetitious, mechanical sounds which we seem to hear infinite sounds without really hearing anything. Form the audio state of a certain urban space, noisy as it might be, it is also tranquil. Fujui Wang, Head of the Trans-Sonic Lab in center for art and technology of Taipei National University of the Arts, specializes in sound Art and Interactive Art. Fujui Wang is the pioneer of Sound Art in Taiwan, who established the first experimental sound zine-label NOISE-Taiwan in 1993. In 2000 Wang joined ETAT and initiated BIAS Sound Art Exhibition and Sound Art Prize in the Digital Art Awards Taipei. His arts activities contribute to enhancing Sound Art as a new genre in Taiwan's art scene. He has curated The Digital Art Festival Taipei and "TranSonic" sound art festival. Fujui Wang is dedicated to making and promoting Sound Art and Digital Art creativity in more than a decade. 就在藝術空間九月展覽「靜噪」,是聲音藝術創作與推廣的先鋒王福瑞,欲探討都市聲音與空間流離關聯,一個存在但不明的狀態。將展出2件聲音裝置及6件輸出作品。 電力的發明,帶來第二次的工業革命。電流在都市有如人體血管般的密佈漫流, 透過線圈將聽不見的流竄電磁波轉換成聲音,有如都市的電磁音景。主展場的互動裝置作品,王福瑞運用電磁技術將聲音與空間再度解構,一個個通電的鋁製框架懸吊在空中,觀者須手持特製儀器走近這如懸浮都市般的裝置,才能聆聽到藝術家錄製的電磁音景。 另一件作品,觀者站立於兩個特製的透明喇叭之間,聆聽王福瑞錄製100天同樣路線的坐在捷運車廂的聲音,持續、紛雜、模糊、重覆、機械的聲音。我們似乎聽見很多聲音,但好像什麼聲音都聽不進,呈現著某種都市空間的聲音狀態,它雖紛吵但也相對平靜。而6件命名"悸動靜態"系列輸出,是截取王福瑞聲音作品的音頻轉化為視覺的作品,在純然的黑白灰中,觀者將以視覺的角度找尋屬於自己對於作品的悸動。 王福瑞為台北藝術大學「藝術與科技中心」未來聲響實驗室主持人。主要專長為聲音藝術、互動藝術。1993年成立台灣第一個實驗音樂廠牌和刊物「Noise」,2000年 加入「在地實驗」,是台灣媒體藝術發展中少數以團體實驗室方式進行數位藝術的實驗、實踐與探討,是早期少數以即時互動為主的創作實驗團體,並推動「異響-Bias」聲音藝術展與「台北數位藝術獎」聲音藝術類別,將聲音藝術推展成國內數位藝術具有特色的領域。近年策展「台北數位藝術節」,2008年起策劃「超響」聲音藝術展演,帶動國內新一波數位藝術發展。近十多年來一直致力於聲音藝術、數位藝術的創作與推廣。 |