2000年加入台灣媒體藝術發展中少數以互動為主的創作實驗團體「在地實驗Etat」,並推動國際「異響BIAS」聲音藝術展與「台北數位藝術節」聲音藝術類別。他曾工作於台北數位藝術中心以及北藝大藝術與科技中心,並策劃多場相關展覽與活動,包含2008年、2009年、2010 年、2012年的「超響」聲音藝術節,2007年至2009年的「台北數位藝術節」。2011年與盧藝成立「響相工作室」,持續致力推動海內外聲音藝術相關展覽與表演以及工作坊,該工作室致力嘗試以創新實驗性的聲音作為主要核心概念,執行聲音藝術相關創作與其推廣計畫。 王福瑞目前為北藝大新媒體藝術學系助理教授,他的創作廣為展出於國內外美術館與藝術節, 包含台北立方計畫空間、台北就在藝術空間、台北當代藝術館、台北數位藝術中心、台北雙年展、香港巴塞爾藝術展、紐西蘭基督城The Physics Room、柏林電子藝術表演實驗室、卡爾斯魯厄藝術與媒體中心、林茲電子藝術中心、巴黎École nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts、芝加哥Antena藝術空間、舊金山The Lab空間、紐約皇后美術館、盧森堡卡西諾當代藝術中心、德勒斯登赫勒勞節慶劇院、格拉斯哥當代藝術中心、倫敦Cafe Oto、里昂國立高等藝術學院、墨爾本維多利亞藝術中心、布里斯本當代藝術中心。他的聲音裝置、作品影像與現場表演發表在不同的出版與媒體,最廣為人知的作品有聲泡(2008)、聲點(2010)、超傳波(2011)和電磁音景(2012)。 |
Wang Fujui is a sound artist and curator specialized in sound art and interactive art whose work has played a key role in establishing sound as a new artistic genre in Taiwan. A pioneer of sound art in Taiwan, he founded “NOISE” in 1993, the country’s first experimental sound label. In 2000 he joined the media art collective “Etat” and launched the “BIAS” International Sound Art Exhibition and Sound Art Prize for the Digital Art Awards Taipei. He worked for the Taipei Digital Arts Center and the Center for Art and Technology, TNUA, he has curated numerous exhibitions and festivals, including the 2008, 2009, 2010 and 2012 editions of the “TranSonic” Sound Art Festival and the 2007 to 2009 editions of the “Digital Art Festival Taipei”. In 2011 Fujui Wang and Yi Lu have co-founded the Soundwatch Studio to promote the creation, exhibition, performance and workshop of renovating experimental audio art both locally and internationally.
Wang Fujui is currently an assistant professor of the Taipei National University of the Arts, Department of New Media Arts, TNUA. His work has been widely exhibited in museums and festivals in Taiwan and abroad, including TheCube Project Space (Taipei), Project Fulfill Art Space (Taipei), Museum of Contemporary Art Taipei, Digital Art Center Taipei, Taipei Biennial, Art Basel Hong Kong, The Physics Room (Christchurch, New Zealand), Lab for Electronic Arts and Performance (Berlin), ZKM (Karlsruhe), Ars Electronica Center (Linz), École nationale Supérieure des Beaux-Arts(Paris), Antena (Chicago), The Lab (San Francisco), Queens Museum (New York), Casino Luxembourg, Festspielhaus Hellerau (Dresden), Centre for Contemporary Arts Glasgow, Cafe Oto (London), Ecole Nationale des Beaux-Arts de Lyon, Arts Centre Melbourne and The Institute of Modern Art (Brisbane). His sound works, videos and live performances have been issued on publications and media, most notably, Sound Bulb (2008), Sound Dots (2010), Hollow Noise (2011) and Electromagnetic Soundscape (2012). |