1976 出生于新加坡 2007 新加坡國立大學,東南亞研究計劃MA 2001 澳洲墨爾本大學,維多利亞藝術學院 BA 何子彥的創作範疇橫跨電影、繪畫、現場表演以及寫作,作品曾在各大國際美術館、畫廊、影展及藝術節展出,近期個展:新加坡Michael Janssen Gallery(2013)、東京森美術館(2012)、第54屆威尼斯雙年展新加坡館代表藝術家(2011)、雪梨藝術空間( 2011)、南澳大利亞當代藝術中心(2007 &2010)。近期參與聯展包含:紐約古根漢美術館“No Country” (2013)、第五屆奧克蘭三年展(2013)、倫敦泰德美術館“No Soul for Sale” (2010)、新加坡雙年展(2006)、第三屆福岡亞洲藝術三年展(2005) 影展:41 '1 Director's Fortnight坎城國際影展(2009)、第66屆威尼斯國際影展(009)、日舞影展(2012). |
1976 Born in Singapore 2007 Graduated from National University of Singapore, Master of Art (by Research), Southeast Asian Studies Programme 2001 Graduated from University of Melbourne, Victorian College of the Arts, School of Creative Arts (Dean's Awards), Bachelor of Creative Arts.Ho Tzu Nyen makes films, videos and live performances related to historical and philosophical texts and artefacts. His works have been shown internationally in museums, galleries, film and performing arts festivals. He has had one-person exhibitions in Galerie Michael Janssen, (Singapore,2013), Adelaide (Contemporary Art Centre of South Australia, 2007 and 2010), Artspace (Sydney, 2011) and Mori Art Museum(Tokyo 2012). He also represented Singapore at the 54th Venice Biennale (2011). Recent group show include:“No Country” (Guggenheim Museum, New York(2013), Auckland Triennial, Auckland Art Gallery, New Zealand, (2013), “No Soul for Sale” Tate Modern, London, (2010), Singapore Biennale(2006), Fukuoka Asian Art Triennial,Japan(2005) Some of the film festivals that have presented his work include :41 '1 Director's Fortnight Cannes International Film Festival(2009), 66th Venice International Film Festival(2009), Sundance Film Festival(2012) |
- 2014/10/29~2014/11/26 EARTH - Ho Tzu Nyen Solo Exhibition 此地 - 何子彥個展