福本健一郎生於 1986 年日本廣島,為東京藝術大學藝術創作碩士。在福本的畫中可以感受到濃 烈的色彩,表現了藝術家對自然的熱情。若干年前他前往東南亞,在那裡感受到風光明媚與旺盛 的生命色彩,便開始以光線、樹木,以及原始自然為繪畫題材。回歸東京生活後,福本逐漸對都 市大街小巷隨處可見的觀賞植物和樹木產生興趣,當注視著這些因人類照料而枝葉盛開的園林植 物,以及從水泥細小縫隙中探出頭來的雜草,他彷彿看見了廣袤森林裡的種子與樹蔭。就像是一 隻翱翔天際的小鳥,俯瞰這座水泥叢林的全景,想像這些美麗的植物與樹木出現在都市景觀的縫 隙中,而後恣意揮灑畫筆,連結著我們的過去、現在與未來。
Kenichi Fukumoto was born in Hiroshima, Japan in 1986, graduated from Tokyo University of Arts, M.A. Fine Art, Japan. The passion toward nature can be found through the vivid color in Fukumoto’s paintings. Some years ago, he travelled through the primeval forests of Southeast Asia, where he glimpsed the tremendous vitality and chaos of wild nature. Since then he has been drawn to paint light, trees, and indigenous nature. After returning to his life in Tokyo, his interest was gradually shifting to the ornamental plants and trees found lining our urban roads and streets. When he looks at the rich mix of leafy garden plants and trees tended by humans, and weeds growing through the tiniest cracks in the concrete, he sees within them the seeds and shadows of the vast forest. When he imagines these beautiful plants and trees emerging through the gaps of our urban landscape, he takes wing as a bird in the sky, and looking down on this panorama of buildings and concrete.