Scenery Poem
Kenichiro Fukumoto & Stephen WONG Chun Hei
《風景詩》福本健一郎 X 黃進曦 雙個展
Kenichiro Fukumoto & Stephen WONG Chun Hei
《風景詩》福本健一郎 X 黃進曦 雙個展
Basking in the sunshine of May 2017, the Project Fulfill Art Space is honored to host the dual exhibition Scenery Poem. It marks the collaboration debut of Japanese artist Kenichiro Fukumoto and Hong Kong artist Stephen WONG Chun Hei. Both of them coincidentally have a special predilection for landscape paintings. Their respective oeuvres brilliantly represent landscapes and human beings as inseparable companions, collectively composing an enchanting scenery poem that grants the visitors great visceral thrills. Kenichi Fukumoto was born in Hiroshima, Japan in 1986, graduated from Tokyo University of Arts, M.A. Fine Art, Japan. The passion toward nature can be found through the vivid color in Fukumoto’s paintings. Some years ago, he travelled through the primeval forests of Southeast Asia, where he glimpsed the tremendous vitality and chaos of wild nature. Since then he has been drawn to paint light, trees, and indigenous nature. After returning to his life in Tokyo, his interest was gradually shifting to the ornamental plants and trees found lining our urban roads and streets. When he looks at the rich mix of leafy garden plants and trees tended by humans, and weeds growing through the tiniest cracks in the concrete, he sees within them the seeds and shadows of the vast forest. When he imagines these beautiful plants and trees emerging through the gaps of our urban landscape, he takes wing as a bird in the sky, and looking down on this panorama of buildings and concrete. Born in Hong Kong in 1986, Stephen WONG Chun Hei graduated from the Department of Fine Arts, Chinese University of Hong Kong. Embracing “stepping back to nature” as his philosophy of life, the artist vividly sketched the natural scenery he saw during mountain climbing or excursion. This creative process visualized a riotous profusion of scenes with iridescent colors and ingenious interplay of shadow and light, making itself a journey to be savored each step of the way. The artist tends to blend personal imagination into his paintings, which is probably why his works are so thought-provoking as to have many resonances for the viewers. Besides, each of his paintings seems to map out a path that the viewers may follow and ergo wander in the composition, as if they are personally climbing the mountains in the painting. Perhaps it is such an excursion-like creative process that enables the artist to portray the natural scenery he subjectively experienced in a more appealing manner, therefore leading the viewers into the engrossing landscapes. The Project Fulfill Art Space cordially invites you to this elaborately organized dual exhibition, where you may find aesthetic delight in the refreshing twists and poetic visions that the two artists par excellence offered in their paintings. 藝術空間很榮幸在晴朗的五月份,呈現日本藝術家福本健一郎以及香港藝術家黃進曦的首次合作雙個展「風景詩」,兩位藝術家不約而同都對描繪自然風景情有獨鍾,畫中分別體現景致與人類生活密切的關係及感觸,此次展出將共同譜出一場動人的詩篇。 福本健一郎生於1986年日本廣島,為東京藝術大學藝術創作碩士,在福本的畫中可以感受到濃烈的色彩,表現了藝術家對自然的熱情。在經歷2011年日本東北大地震後,使福本對自然與人類的關係、生命和死亡的關聯,有了不一樣的體悟。隔年,他前往東南亞,在東南亞的原始森林中,感受到風光明媚與旺盛的生命色彩,一切宛如新生,猶如萬物萌芽狀態,使福本感覺到深不見底的生命力,猶如宇宙的起源,影響他的繪畫創作是如此斑斕瑰麗及具有生命溫度。 黃進曦1986年出生於香港,畢業自香港中文大學藝術系。以「退步自然」為生活哲學,透過郊遊寫生的方式,藉由實際攀山的過程,描繪出所觀看到的自然景致。每一步的前進,體現了不同視野的景象,每一時刻的前行,堆疊出不同光影變化的色彩,相較於印象派風景畫的手法,黃進曦的畫作中揉合了自身的想像,或許也因如此,使他的畫作更具想像空間以及玩味之處。而在其畫作中,彷彿都有條預先安排好的路徑,觀者能夠隨之前行,遊走在畫面之上,如同隨著畫作親身經歷攀山的過程。或許也因為藝術家此種猶如郊遊的過程,能夠更加動人地描繪出心中體驗到的自然景態,帶領觀者進入引人入勝的情景之中。 「風景詩」福本健一郎與黃進曦雙個展將於5月20日下午四點舉行開幕,展期從5月20日到6月24日,就在藝術誠摯邀請您於初夏之際共同感受兩位藝術家所帶來沁人心脾,畫作猶如詩意般動人的展出。 藝術家簡介 福本健一郎 Kenichiro FUKUMOTO 1986 年出生於日本廣島,2011 年畢業於東京藝術大學油畫組,曾至新加坡拉塞爾藝術學院 (Lasalle College of the Arts) 交換學生一年,2014 年取得東京藝術大學藝術創作碩士。 近期個展包含「List Group x Haishakkei featured by Kenichiro Fukumoto ,蘇富比國際地產東京 辦公室,2016」、「Tokyo Wonder Site,東京,2015」、 「Tokyo Wonder Wall,東京都廳大廈, 2014」; 近期聯展包含 「Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi,東京,2014」、 「Cross Encounters: A Collaboration of Artists from Singapore and Japan,新加坡及日本,2013 」。曾獲 2014Tokyo Wonder Wall Prize、2014 Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi Imamura Yusaku prize 等獎項。 黃進曦 Stephen WONG Chun Hei 1986 年出生於香港,2008 年畢業於香港中文大學藝術系。 近期個展包含「臥遊,安全口畫廊,香港,2016」、「過客,香港藝穗會陳麗玲畫廊,香港,2016」、 「香港群山–黃進曦水彩作品展,手井工作室,花蓮,2015」、「山語,Open Quote,元創方, 香港,2015」;「退步自然,方由美術,香港,2014」等。近期聯展包含「風景如紙–黃進曦與 霍凱盛聯展,凱倫偉伯畫廊,香港,2016」、「AT the still point of the turning world 聯展,方由 美術,香港,2014」、「香港亞洲酒店藝術博覽會,香港,2013」等。 |
Artist Information > Kenichiro FUKOMOTO 福本健一郎 > Stephen WONG Chun Hei 黃進曦 Download > Press Release 新聞稿 Video > Artist Interview 藝術家導覽 Kenichi Fukumoto 福本健一郎 Stephen WONG Chun Hei 黃進曦 |