林冠名,1981年生於台灣臺北,畢業於國立臺北藝術大學科技藝術研究所碩士班。長期投入影像創作,並視影像為觀看「時間」的想像和思考,企圖從影像生產過度的現下,來重拾影像可能的剩餘「記憶」。作品自2004年「媒體痙攣(Co4臺灣前衛文件展)」展覽後,便開始在國內重要聯展嶄露頭角,並曾在北京、上海、香港、巴黎、福岡、美國等地展出。2008年在臺北當代藝術館舉辦個展「靜默突襲」,同年並榮獲「臺北美術獎」。近期重要展覽包含:「未來劇場」,關渡美術館,台北,台灣(2018)、「熱帶氣旋」,關渡美術館,台北(2017)、「Local to Local」,ARTFORUM RHEE,富川,韓國(2017)、「時空頓點─臺灣錄像藝術展」 CentroCentro,台北,柏林,馬德里等(2012)、「心動EMU」,臺北當代藝術館 ,台北(2012)、「曖昧的存在:是誰在懼怕認同?」,台北,柏林,台拉维夫(2012)、「白駒過隙‧山動水行─從劉國松到新媒體藝術」,國立台北美術館,台北(2010)、「冷熱面─臺灣當代錄像藝術巡迴展,路易斯維爾大學Art Gallery of Allen R. Hite Art Institute,路易斯維爾/拉瑪大學 Dishman Art Museum,搏蒙特/內華達大學Donna Beam Fine Art Gallery,University of Nevada,拉斯維加斯,美國(2009)、「激情心靈」,國立台北美術館,台北(2009)、「非20℃–臺灣當代藝術的『常溫』影像展」,台灣國立美術館,台中(2008)、「Co6臺灣前衛文件展–度」,台灣國立美術館,台中(2006)等。 |
In today’s world of advanced technology and ever-improving digital imaging technology, everyone seems to own the world depicted through image. However, as we view these detailed images, how do we reinterpret the world from a different perspective? Lin Guan-Ming’s work does not intend to break through the limit of visual arts through the physicality and quality of digital media. Lin regards his work as another pair of eyes that he uses to record various content. However, Lin treats these recordings as the subjects to be seen rather than the object of seeing. It is through this relationship of seeing and being seen that he constructs the world through images, while continuously to question and reflect on the possibilities within a contemporary climate pervasive with imagery.
Lin Guan-Ming was born in 1981 in Taipei, Taiwan. In 2010 he obtained an MFA from the Graduate Institute of Art and Technology, Taipei National University of the Arts, Taiwan. Focusing on video and photographic processes, Lin's art practice reflects on the relationship and possibilities of time and memory through image manipulation and the production process. Since his 2004 exhibition Media Cramp, Co4 Taiwan Avant-garde Documenta II in Taipei, Lin began to exhibit widely including in Beijing, Hong Kong, Paris, Fukuoka and the United States. In 2008 he was awarded the Taipei Arts Award and held his major solo exhibition Silence Attacks at MoCA Taipei in the same year. Selected group exhibitions include: Future Theater, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei (2018); Tropical Cyclone, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei (2017); Local to Local, Artforum Rhee, Bucheon, Korea (2017); Boundless Sea, NTMoFA, Taichung (2014); Pause in Time and Space, CentroCentro, Madrid (2012); Crush on EMU, MoCA Taipei (2012) ; Ambiguous Being, Taipei, Berlin and Tel Aviv (2012); Time Unfrozen - From Liu Kuo-Sung to New Media Art, TFAM, Taipei (2010); Extreme Sensibility: Taiwanese Contemporary Video Art, Art Gallery of Allen R. Hite Art Institute, University of Louisville; Dishman Art Museum, Lamar University, Texas; Donna Beam Fine Art Gallery, University of Nevada, U.S.A. (2009); Mind as Passion, TFAM, Taipei (2009); Beyond 20 Degree Celsius: Exhibition of ‘Room-temperature Luminescence’ from Taiwanese Contemporary Imaging Art, NTMoFA, Taichung (2008); Do, Co6 Taiwan Avant-garde Documenta III, NTMoFA, Taichung (2006). |
- 2020/05 第18屆台新藝術獎入圍作品-《再見-林冠名個展》/林冠名 藝術家訪談
- 2019/12/30 反滲透的數位懷舊: 論林冠名的「再見」 ╱孫松榮
- 2019/11/02~2019/12/07 return 「再見」