Lin Guan-Ming Solo Exhibition
《再見》林冠名 個展
我們絲毫不會在意眼前的一朵花能被我們肉眼看到多少細節,卻可能因為「影像」來討論一朵花能被拍得有多細膩。 林冠名的影像僅僅關乎於按下錄影(攝影)鍵的那一刻。「再見」,意味著眼前世界,從那一刻之後「再也不見」;然而,當影像檔案透過屏幕播放後,又能「再一次看到」影像中的世界。隨著數位影像技術的演進變革,生產影像的速度也與日俱增,更進一步,在這些影像的背後,看到的是大量的修圖、越來越高解析的畫素及各式的濾鏡功能,由這些技術而生的影像拉開了我們與過去「那一刻」的距離,而我們正漸漸習以影像來檢視我們生活的每一切面,在帶給我們無盡美好影像與不斷離我們遠去的現實之中搖擺。 此次林冠名「再見」個展的作品,正是以這些編修影像的功能出發,藉由平凡無奇的風景影像,再套用電腦的編修軟體後,營造一種似是而非,似乎只存在在影像之中的現實感受,對應於我們實際生活的周遭,來探討影像「再現」與「創造」雙重關係中的微妙感知。 Project Fulfill Art Space is pleased to present Lin Guan-Ming’s solo exhibition 'return', showcasing new video and photographic works, as well as his 2011 ongoing real-time video project Vanish into Thin Air. The opening reception will be held on Saturday 11 November at 4pm. When looking at a flower with the naked eye, we are not concerned with how much detail we can see; it is perhaps through the form of an ‘image’ that we came to discuss the quality in which a flower can be captured. Lin Guan-Ming’s video and photographic works focus on the moment in which the record button (shutter button) is pressed. ‘Return’ implies the moment when the world you see before your eyes will never be seen again, however through its recorded image file processed on a screen, the world inside the image ‘returns’ to be seen again. With the evolution of digital imaging technology, the speed of producing images is increasing daily. Moreover, behind these images lie increasingly sophisticated retouching tools, higher resolutions, and various filter functions. The images produced by these technologies have expanded the distance between us and those moments of our past; as we are gradually becoming accustomed to examining every aspect of our lives, swaying in a reality that brings us an endless stream of ideal images that are constantly becoming dislocated from us. The works in Lin Guan-Ming’s solo exhibition 'return' are based on the functions of image editing technology. The artist applies computer editing software to ordinary landscape images, creating a conceivable alternate reality that exists only in the image itself. Reflecting our everyday surroundings, Lin explores the subtle perceptions in the relationship between reproduction and creation. |