Liste Art Fair Basel 2021
Showtime: Hsu Ting
15 - 30 September 2021
Online platform
Preview 預展 15 - 17 September 2021 Public 公眾開放 18 - 30 September 2021 |
Hsu Ting 徐婷
就在藝術邀請您在這個9月中連線到國際藝博會Liste Art Fair Basel 平台「Showtime」)參與我們的線上展廳,一起認識年輕台灣藝術家徐婷的創作世界!我們特別企劃了一支動態影片,將一件徐婷的現地裝置作品《影子裡的紙》到收藏家家中安裝的過程記錄下來,配合藝術家的介紹,讓觀眾感受作品在居家空間的魅力。
這是就在藝術空間第二次參展Liste Art Fair Basel,我們很榮幸成為此國際平台的一份子。然而在新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情未停歇,國際間旅行仍具風險的狀況下,包括就在藝術空間等31家多數非歐洲國家畫廊及機構忍痛取消實體展出機會,採用線上展廳方式參與。期望讓全球觀眾藉此發掘年輕當代藝術家的優秀作品,啟發新想法並透過線上體驗一起支持與欣賞當代藝術。 Project Fulfill Art Space is pleased to announce our participation in the Liste Art Fair Basel online platform Showtime presenting a selection of works from emerging Taiwanese artist Hsu Ting. Through a specially commissioned film, Hsu talks about her art practice as we follow the artist’s process of installing her unique photographic semi site-specific work Paper in Shadow in the home of a collector. This year is Project Fulfill Art Space’s second participation in Liste Art Fair Basel. Under the continued challenges caused by the world-wide COVID-19 pandemic, we are honored to be part of the 31 galleries participating in the second edition of the online program Showtime. Under extraordinary times we continue to work with artists to bring their artwork to a wider audience. |