Tomoko Nagai Solo Exhibition
搭上太空船 形形色色的Scene-Tomoko Nagai長井朋子個展
“空がピンク色の砂漠へ行くことも、北極へ白くまにおまじないをかけに行く事も、自在にタイムトラベルもパラレルワールドも可能にしてしまう ”
自分の中のそんな欲求を 叶えてくれるのが“絵を描く”事です。 自分の中から出てくる創造に、予期しないハプニングも加わって見えてくる色々なシーン。 見る人によって見え方や物語も色々なんだと思うと、無限の彼方へ宇宙船に乗りこんで旅をするようなものだとワクワクします。 そんな事を考えるとますます未知なるシーンを見てみたくなり絵にしています。 「不管是前往粉紅色天空的沙漠,還是到北極對北極熊施展咒語,就連時間旅行和平行世界都能隨心所欲,幻化成真。」 能夠滿足我內心深處這般慾望的,就是「作畫」。 從自己內在湧現的創造力,加上意料之外的偶然,交織出形形色色的場景。 每每想到觀者眼裡的畫面與故事其實也都是形形色色、各色各樣的,總覺得像是登上太空船要飛向無限遠方的旅程一般,令我滿心期待、興奮不已。 於是越想越激起想要窺探未知場景的慾望,進而呈現在繪畫當中。 All Aboard the Spaceship – A Kaleidoscopic Scene Tomoko Nagai is known for the fantastical worlds that she depicts in her paintings. Her signature use of candy-pastel colors depicts dreamscapes often filled with teddy bears, children, animals and plants. These scenes remind viewers of fairy tale worlds where magical places and encounters are possible. Nagai describes, “you can go to the desert with a pink sky, or you can go to the North Pole and cast magic on polar bears. Whether it is time travel or exploring parallel worlds, all you wish to attain can freely be realized”. Her art practice delves into childhood dreams and imagination that never quite leaves us. For Nagai, “painting is to satisfy the desires deep in my heart. Creativity that emerges from within, coupled with unexpected serendipity, interweaves all kinds of scenes”. Her paintings resemble picture book narratives that she leaves open-ended, “when I think about the different views and stories that come from different viewers, it is like a journey on a spaceship, bound for limitless possibility – it’s exciting. Every time I think about this, I want to explore more scenes yet to be discovered, and capture them in my paintings.” 協辦單位In collaboration with:小山登美夫畫廊 Tomio Koyama Gallery Photo by Kenji Takahashi ©Tomoko Nagai, Courtesy of Tomio Koyama Gallery |