Tomoko Nagai 長 井 朋 子
長井朋子,1982年出生於愛知縣,2006年畢業於愛知藝術大學,目前創作生活於東京。繪畫是她主要的創作媒材,劇場式的構圖與活潑的色彩是藝術家繪畫作品中的特色。回憶、夢想與幻想透過兒童、動物與森林的描繪,成為她創作中主要的核心主題。其藝術表現活躍於世界各地,有多項國際展出與典藏經歷,近年個展有「ボタニカルな休日」日本橋三越本店,東京(2022)、「しだれざくらと春を、」藝廊櫻林、常陸國出雲大社,茨城(2020)、「ぬりえのふちがきえていく」六本木ヒルズ A/D藝廊,東京(2019)、「ももいろと薔薇色のアトリエ 魔法」8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery,東京(2018)。重要聯展經歷有「Future Pass – From Asia to the World」Palazzo Mangilli Valmarana,威尼斯(2011)、「VOCA展2010 現代美術の展望-新しい平面の作家たち」上野の森美術館,東京(2010)、也於首爾、柏林等地的藝術單位有展出經歷。曾參與NHK教育頻道的節目製作、封面插畫設計與多本作品集著作的出版。 |
In Tomoko Nagai’s artworks, various animals, children, colorful trees and mushrooms are depicted in a theatrical arrangement against the backdrop of forests and domestic rooms. Loaded with a multitude of motifs, each of Nagai’s paintings embraces a unique sense of spatiality, wherein a dynamism that encapsulates the worlds of fictional narratives intricately overlaps with layers of images. The colorful matière and brushstrokes form a fantastical rhythm as the artist exercises an expression akin to composing a musical piece. The viewer perceives this melody while standing face-to-face with each painting. This evokes a sense of being inside the painting, as the viewer’s own memories and experiences – nostalgic sensations, recollections and dreams from childhood – connect with the worldview represented in each artwork.
Tomoko Nagai was born in Aichi Prefecture in 1982. She graduated from Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music in 2006, majoring in Oil Painting. Nagai currently lives and works in Tokyo. Recent solo exhibition includes: “Botanical Holidays” (MITSUKOSHI CONTEMPORARY GALLERY, Tokyo, Japan, 2022), “It’s Dazzling Softly Like Heaven, and,” ( Toyokawa City Sakuragaoka Museum, Aichi, Japan, 2020), “Coloring Beyond the Edges” ( Roppongi Hills A/D Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, 2019), and “Atelier in Peach and Rose Color, Magic” ( 8/ ART GALLERY/ Tomio Koyama Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, 2018). Important international group show includes, “Future Pass – From Asia to the World”, part of the 54th Venice Biennale (Palazzo Mangilli-Valmarana, Venice, 2011), and “VOCA 2010” (the Ueno Royal Museum, Tokyo, 2010), also invited by art institutions from Seoul, Grenoble, Berlin etc. Nagai has engaged with broad audiences outside of museums and art galleries, providing title designs and artworks for television programmes on NHK Educational, as well as creating book covers for a range of publications. Photo by Kenji Takahashi ©Tomoko Nagai, Courtesy of Tomio Koyama Gallery |