毛利悠子 Yuko Mohri
Butterfly, Pleated (Pachliopta aristolochiae)
毛利悠子的動力機械裝置讓許多觀眾認出她作品的獨特風格,採用不可預測的環境元素的推拉,如磁力,重力和電力,引發蝴蝶效應鏈的運動和連接,發出微妙的聲音和動作。 毛利悠子對環境中無形能量的探索為拼貼,素描與攝影呈現在她的紙上作品。 毛利悠子的攝影作品《Butterfly, Pleated(Pachliopta aristolochiae)》(蝴蝶 · 褶皺)來自藝術家 2016 年的裝置系列《Pleated Image》(打褶的圖像),將一隻玩具蝴蝶組裝在動力裝置中的掃描機,蝴蝶的動態被持續的掃描下,不斷的傳輸出成ㄧ連串的圖像。就像蝴蝶標本收藏家一樣,捕捉到的圖像將蝴蝶永久定格,讓觀者可以透過肉眼觀察通常看不到的運動線條的美感。毛利悠子稱這些圖像為「打褶的圖像」,其中動態和時間的褶皺以一種位於靜態和流動邊界的方式被捕捉到。 毛利悠子把這些粗糙、模糊、經常故障的圖像比喻為「靈魂攝影」,因為它能夠拍攝到原本不應該可以看見的事物。藝術家發現自己一直以來被機械錯誤,或隱藏在自然現像中的故障所吸引,因此創造出一系列以不可見力量為靈感的視覺形式的作品。這件「打褶的圖像」攝影喚起人類眼睛看不見的動態和時間感,暗示著這些看不見的存在。 Butterfly Effect Audiences may well recognize Yuko Mohri for her unique, delicately composed collection of object installations, where one object triggers another – setting off a butterfly effect chain of movements and connections that form an ecosystem of moving parts, sound and light. Mohri’s interest in the invisible energies of the environment are captured in her works on paper as conceptual collages and observations. Her photographic prints Butterfly, Pleated (Pachliopta aristolochiae) are based on her 2016 installation series Pleated Images, where a toy butterfly is attached to a scanner, fluttering spontaneously while being scanned in a continuous stream of visual data. Like a butterfly collector, the captured image freezes the butterfly in perpetuity, allowing the viewer to study the beautiful lines and patterns of movement that are normally unseen to the naked eye. Mohri calls this a “pleated image”, where folds of movement and time are captured in a manner that sits at the boundary of static and flux. Mohri also likens these images, with their rough, blurred quality, glitches and digital noise, to ‘spirit photography’, in a sense that they capture things that should not have been captured. This interest in mechanical errors, or the slippages and glitches that lie concealed within natural phenomena, is also a significant characteristic distinctive in her work. By giving visual form to these invisible forces, her work is often described as having a life of its own – hinting at unseen presences. |