毛利悠子1980年生於日本神奈川縣,目前生活、工作於東京,她的創作經常透過蒐集城市中日常生活的物件以及各種機械零件,重新改造組合成爲一個新的集合體,傳達出一種無形的能量,例如磁,重力,光線和溫度。近期表現相當活躍,2017年甫獲日本年度藝文重要獎項第67回藝術選獎–文部科學大臣新人賞,注目度極高在國際藝文媒體、策展人間激起討論度,受邀於國際各大雙年展、美術館展出,包括第九屆亞太三年展 APT9,昆士蘭藝術博物館與現代藝術博物館,澳洲布里斯本、東京森美術館(Mori Museum)「Roppongi Crossing 2016」。2016台北市立美術館聯展「物理」以及國立台灣美術館「再生運動-數位時代的科技反思」也曾展出過她的作品。曾參與美國曼哈頓下城文化局、英國維多利亞伯特博物館及倫敦卡姆登藝術中心藝術家駐場計劃。
近期重要個展於Ginza Sony Park, 日本東京(2020)、十和田市現代美術館,日本(2018)、Camden 藝術中心,英國倫敦(2018)、京都國立近代美術館(2018)、White Rainbow,英國倫敦(2017)、藤澤市藝術空間,神奈川縣,日本(2017)、Jane Lombard Gallery,美國紐約 (2016)。 歷年參與多次國際藝術節包括:2020格拉斯哥藝術節,蘇格蘭(2020)、第五屆烏拉爾當代藝術工業雙年展,烏拉爾光學機械工廠,俄羅斯(2019)、第九屆亞太三年展 APT9,昆士蘭藝術博物館與現代藝術博物館,澳洲布里斯本(2018)、第14屆里昂雙年展,里昂當代美術館,法國(2017)、2017札幌藝術節,日本(2017)、2016科欽雙年展,印度(2016)、2014橫濱三年展,日本橫濱(2014)。 近期重要聯展於「Pavilhão da Bienal」,第34屆聖保羅雙年展預展,巴西(2020)、和美術館,中國(2020)、金澤21世紀美術館,(2020)、沙迦藝術基金會,阿拉伯聯合大公國(2019)、東京都現代美術館,日本(2019)、水戶藝術館,日本茨城縣(2019)、Fukutake House, 日本小豆島(2019)、Palais de Tokyo,法國巴黎(2018)、大館古蹟及藝術館,香港 (2018)、Govett-Brewster Art Gallery / Len Lye Centre, New Plymouth, 紐西蘭 (2018)、Wilfredo Lam 當代藝術中心,古巴哈瓦那(2018)、Centre Pompidou-Metz, 法國(2017)、森美術館,日本東京(2016)。 獲獎:2017年日本年度藝文重要獎項第67回藝術選獎–文部科學大臣新人賞、2016年獲選英國藝術雜誌Apollo「40 under 40」 亞太地區藝術家、2015年第二屆Nissan藝術獎首獎(Nissan art Award)、2015年捷豹亞洲科技藝術獎(Jaguar Asia Tech Art Prize)、2014年亞洲文化協會(ACC)個人獎。 |
Born in Kanagawa prefecture, Japan, in 1980, Yuko Mohri now lives and works in Tokyo. By collecting everyday objects and mechanical components to transform them into new collectives, she creates artworks that radiate invisible energy such as magnetic force, gravity, light and warmth. She has flexed her artistic muscles in recent years. In addition to being the New Face Award, the 67th Minister of Education Award for Fine Arts, Japan in 2017, she is a high profile figure who has sparked considerable discussions within international art communities and also become a regular guest of international art festivals and museum exhibitions, including the 9th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (ATP9) held at Queensland Art Gallery / Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane, Australia and Roppongi Crossing 2016 held at Mori Museum in Tokyo. Her oeuvre have also been displayed in the exhibition The Way Things Go held at Taipei Fine Arts Museum, and Regeneration Movement: Rethinking Technology in the Digital Age at National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts. Mohri has held artist residencies at the Lower Manhattan Cultural Council, Victoria & Albert Museum, and Camden Arts Centre, London.
Mohri’s recent solo exhibitions were held at Ginza Sony Park. Tokyo (2020); Towada Art Center, Aomori, Japan (2018); Camden Arts Centre, London, UK (2018); The National Museum of Modern Art Kyoto (2018); White Rainbow, London (2017); Fujisawa City Art Space, Kanagawa, Japan (2017); Jane Lombard Gallery, New York (2016). Yuko Mohri has been invited to participate in international art festivals including: Glasgow International 2020: Gi Digital Programme, Glasgow, Scotland (2020); The 5th Ural Industrial Biennial of Contemporary Art, Ekaterinburg, Russia (2019); The 9th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art (ATP9), Queensland Art Gallery / Gallery of Modern Art, Brisbane, Australia (2018); The 14th Biennale de Lyon, Musée d’art contemporain de Lyon, France (2017); Sapporo Art Festival, Sapporo City University Skyway, Japan (2017); Kochi-Muziris Biennale 2016, Aspinwall, Kochi, India (2016); Yokohama Triennale 2014, Yokohama Museum of Art, Kanagawa, Japan (2014) Selected group exhibitions include at the Pavilhão da Bienal, part of the 34th Bienal de São Paolo, Brazil (2020); He Art Museum, China (2020); 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa, Japan (2020); Sharjah Art Foundation, Sharjah, UAE (2019); Museum of Contemporary Art Tokyo, Japan (2019); Art Tower Mito, Ibaraki, Japan (2019); Benesse Art Site Naoshima, Fukutake House, Okayama, Japan (2019); Palais de Tokyo, Paris, France (2018); Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong (2018), Govett-Brewster Art Gallery / Len Lye Centre, New Plymouth, New Zealand (2018); Centro de Arte Contemporáneo Wilfredo Lam, Havana, Cuba (2018); Centre Pompidou Metz, France (2017); Mori Art Museum, Tokyo (2016). Art Awards: The New Face Award, the 67th Minister of Education Award for Fine Arts, Japan (2017); 40 under 40 Asia Pacific: The Most Inspirational Young People in the Asia Pacific Art World, Apollo Magazine (2016); Grand Prix Winner, Nissan Art Award 2015, Nissan Motor Corporation (2015); Honorary Mention, 2015 Jaguar Asia Tech Art Prize, Jaguar Land Rover Corporate (2015); The Fellowship Grants Individuals 2014, Asian Cultural Council (ACC) (2014). |