Yuko Mohri
毛利悠子 個展
2021.04.17 - 2021.05.22
2021.04.17 - 2021.05.22
毛利悠子於2019年末構思出《Solo》(獨奏)這件作品,旋即人們因新型冠狀病毒肺炎蔓延全球而無法自由旅行。她原先打算創造一套能夠與活躍、健談的舞者、詩人,以及其他表演者協作的鋼琴系統,但卻發現自己身陷新型冠狀病毒肺炎肆虐的世界,人與人之間必須嚴格保持適當的距離。因此,她決定遠離城市喧囂,棲居於琵琶湖畔(據說是世界上最古老的湖泊之一)的一座山間小屋。這座與世隔絕的蓊鬱森林是如此靜謐,排除了所有雜音,使她發現大自然其實也是活躍健談的,例如拍打著湖岸的波浪、灑落在稻田裡的濛濛細雨、在風中沙沙作響的枝葉、劈啪作響的篝火、咯咯鳴叫的水鳥,以及在木炭上烤著的本地淡水魚等等。於是,她買了一支麥可風,開始日復一日地記錄這些聲音。而後,當人類世界變得陌生遙遠之際,自然世界的聲音突然令人感覺舒適愉悅。 毛利悠子的鋼琴裝置作品,將大自然的聲音轉化成即興獨奏。除了在展場播放的預錄自然環境聲響,她另外設置了兩支麥克風用來接收展覽現場的聲音。這套MIDI鋼琴自動演奏系統與麥克風連結,把麥克風所收到的聲音轉換成全新的即興演奏曲。然而,這件裝置作品無法全然複製這些聲音的音準,而是從中選取聲音頻譜,保持不精確性與時滯,從而反映出她獨有的幽默風格,以及對自然世界的觀察。波浪、風與火,各自獨唱;在它們舞蹈、吟唱,或是表演之際,自然世界的形形色色持續透過麥克風,幻化為一場奇特又迷人的鋼琴獨奏會。對於赫然發現自己與他人交織於同一首自然之歌當中的人類而言,這既是一首頌歌,亦為一首安魂曲。 We are pleased to present Yuko Mohri: SOLO, the artist’s third solo exhibition at Project Fulfill Art Space, opening in April. Due to the travel restrictions under the current world-wide COVID-19 pandemic, this will be our first exhibition planned and executed remotely. Yuko Mohri’s new work was developed and shaped under this challenging situation and finds humor and beauty within the day to day realities brought by the pandemic. Yuko Mohri first conceived of the work Solo in late 2019, shortly before travel became impossible due to the worldwide pandemic COVID-19. Mohri originally intended to create a piano system that could be used to collaborate with dancers, poets, and other performers, those mercurial and loquacious people. Then we found ourselves in a world swept up by COVID-19, where it was imperative to rigorously maintain the appropriate distance from other people. Mohri decided to leave the urban hubbub behind to hole up in a mountain cottage by the ancient Lake Biwa (said to be one of the oldest in the world). Thinking that the secluded, pitch dark forest would be filled with silence, what Mohri found was that nature too, was mercurial and loquacious, with waves beating against the shore, rain drizzling on rice paddies, trees rustling in the wind, bonfires crackling, water birds squawking, and native freshwater fish getting grilled over the charcoal. Mohri bought a microphone and began to record day after day, the sounds of the natural world, that suddenly became as close and friendly as the human world felt foreign and distant. Yuko Mohri developed her piano installation to transform the sounds of nature into an impromptu solo. Her pre-recordings of the environment play within the exhibition space, in which the sounds emitted are picked up by a microphone connected to a MIDI self-playing piano, which converts and plays these sounds as new compositions. However, rather than replicating the exact pitch of sounds, Mohri’s installation picks up sound spectrums, keeping inaccuracies and time lags, reflecting her unique style of humor and observation of the natural world. Waves, wind and fire, each of them sings a solo; dancing, chanting, and otherwise performing, the spectrums of the natural world are continuously transformed through the microphone into a strange and mesmerizing piano recital, that is both an ode and requiem for humans confronted with the revelation that we are interwoven within the same song of nature. |