Congratulations to our artist ZHANG XU Zhan! The first Taiwanese artist to receive the honor of Deutsche Bank Artist of the Year 2020!
就在藝術空間非常開心與您分享張徐展榮獲德意志銀行2020年度藝術家(Artists of the Year 2020),是台灣第一位獲此殊榮!
張徐展說「很高興堅持的努力能夠被看見,能夠以自己喜歡的創作模樣被注目真的是很棒!」 今年為德意志銀行第十年舉辦,也是首次同時有三位新銳藝術家入選年度藝術家,分別為亞洲代表張徐展(台灣)、歐洲的Conny Maier(德國)及美洲的Maxwell Alexandre(巴西)。十年來獲獎藝術家遍及全球,包括知名日本藝術觀念藝術家田中功啟(Koki Tanaka)。 三位獲獎藝術家是由德意志銀行全球藝術顧問委員,策展人侯瀚如(現居住於羅馬)、Udo Kittelmann(柏林)及Victoria Noorthoorn (布宜諾斯艾利斯現代藝術博物館館長)推薦。Noorthoorn館長表示「這三位藝術家各有獨立和獨特的觀點,但他們同時反映了關於社會,靈性以及我們與自然的關係等全球性議題。透過創作,人類能夠發出聲音並想像出一條通往自由與權利平等的道路。」 德意志銀行(Deutsche Bank)年度藝術家獎項專注於從事紙張或攝影創作的新銳藝術家,這也是德意志銀行收藏作品的特點。特別的是,此獎項並不以現金為獎勵,而是透過為藝術家於歐洲兩處舉辦個展、並由德意志銀行收藏展覽作品、及出版藝術家畫冊的方式推廣給更多觀眾。「2021年度藝術家」聯展將於2021年9月15日在柏林 Palais Populaire 展出。張徐展將展出「動物故事」系列全新定格動畫裝置,敬請期待! Project Fulfill Art Space is pleased to share the news of Zhang Xu Zhan’s nomination for Deutsche Bank Artists of the Year 2020, the first artist from Taiwan to receive this honor. “I am very excited that my persistence and hard work is recognized, it is really great to be acknowledged for the form of artwork that I like to do,” says Zhang Xu Zhan. For the first time, Deutsche Bank has selected three emerging artists simultaneously as Artists of the Year for 2020. In the tenth year of the award, Maxwell Alexandre (Brazil), Conny Maier (Germany), and Zhang Xu Zhan (Taiwan) will be honored on the recommendation of the bank’s Global Art Advisory Council. “All three positions are absolutely independent and unique, yet they all reflect on elementary, global issues: community, spirituality, and our relationship to nature. It is through creativity that humanity is able to have a voice and imagine a path for freedom and equality of rights,” says Victoria Noorthoorn, director of the Museum of Modern Art in Buenos Aires, who, along with the important curators Hou Hanru, based in Rome, and Udo Kittelmann, based in Berlin, advises Deutsche Bank on this award in the Global Art Advisory Council. “Deutsche Bank has been honoring the Artist of the Year since 2010 with what in the beginning was a new concept. The Kenyan artist Wangechi Mutu was the first recipient; today she is a constant in the international art world. And many of the other award winners, including Yto Barrada, Koki Tanaka, Basim Magdy, and Kemang Wa Lehulere, have also made their international breakthrough on the art scene,” says Anna Herrhausen, who heads Deutsche Bank's Art, Culture & Sports unit. Deutsche Bank gives this prize to up-and-coming artists who work primarily with paper or photography; this is also the focus of the Deutsche Bank Collection. Instead of granting a cash prize, Deutsche Bank supports its Artists of the Year by helping to make them better known to the general public—by purchasing their works for the Deutsche Bank Collection, through a comprehensive catalog, and by means of their own exhibition. The group exhibition “Artists of the Year 2020” will be on view in the bank’s Palais Populaire in Berlin starting September 15, 2021. Zhang Xu Zhan will showcase his new animated video installation. |
> 德意志銀行新聞稿 Full Deutsche Bank press release
VIDEO > Artist of the Year 2021 Meet Zang Xu Zhan 認識藝術家張徐展 > Intro of Britta Färber, Chief Curator of the Deutsche Bank Collection | Artists of the Year 2021 德意志銀行「年度藝術家2021」策展人 Britta Färber 展覽介紹 MEDIA > Art Emperor 非池中報導 > Monopol Magazine Artist Introduction > 張徐展 Zhang Xu Zhan |