ZHANG XU Zhan 張 徐 展
1988年 出生於新莊百年祖傳專門販售託夢靈厝、靈異紙娃、紙糊神獸、靈花靈鳥等精緻紙紮手藝的「新興糊紙店」,以動畫作為藝術創作的實踐,並以動畫作為擴展觀影經驗與影像形式的各種可能,擅長揉合影像裝置、擴延電影、實驗電影、多頻道空間錄像裝置與物件等,作品常見奇異、怪誕的影像擴展皆圍繞於 個人之於社會經驗的謬察、家族紙紮記憶與技藝,呈現在文化流動中的狀態思考;內容擅以結合各式隨手的當代生活經驗揉合童年記憶裡的喪葬文化,假以一種荒謬、怪誕的影像包覆,討論關於存在的腐朽,以及那從未結束的狂歡與寂寞。
2022年以錄像動畫《熱帶複眼》獲得 第59屆金馬獎最佳動畫短片獎。 學歷 2010 國立台北藝術大學 新媒體藝術研究所 個展 2022「複眼叢林-張徐展個展」,台北市立美術館,台北,台灣 2017《Si So Mi》就在藝術空間,台灣。 2015《自卑的蝙蝠 - 張徐展個展》臺北數位藝術中心,台灣。 2012《陰極射線管的神祕儀式》國立台灣美術館,時光天井多頻幕,台灣。 重要聯展 2022 「德意志銀行年度藝術家獎2021」The Museum of Cultures of Milan,米蘭,義大利、2021 「德意志銀行年度藝術家獎2021」德意志銀行美術館 萬國宮,柏林,德國、 《禽獸不如—2020台灣美術雙年展》國立台灣美術館,台中,台灣(2020)、《第七屆橫濱三年展2020》橫濱美術館,日本(2020)、《UN · TACT》國立亞洲文化中心,光州,韓國(2020)、《穿孔城市》台北當代藝術館,台北,台灣(2020)、《Jeune Création Internationale/第15屆里昂雙年展》里昂當代藝術博物館,里昂,法國(2019)、《情書 · 手繭 · 後戰》」關渡美術館,台北,台灣(2019)、《百物曲》上海外灘美術館,上海,中國(2019)、《2018 上海雙年展》PSA上海當代藝術博物館,中國、《2018 Asia Project》韓國國立現代美術館 - 首爾館MMCA,韓國、《2018香港巴塞爾藝術展》、《第五屆 關渡雙年展》關渡美術館,台北 (2016)、《第五屆 亞洲藝術雙年展》國立臺灣美術館,台中(2015)、《美國奧斯汀奇幻影展Fantastic Fest 》(2014)、《東京國際短片節》日本 (2014)、《東京國際短片節》日本 (2014)、《德國斯圖加特國際動畫影展 - 恐懼動畫之夜-特別放映企劃 - 第二十六屆》德國 (2014)、《第七屆亞太藝術三年展- ART7 Cinema》昆士蘭藝術博物館與現代藝術博物館,澳洲 (2012)、《27th德國柏林短片影展》,德國 (2011)、動畫展出於臺北市立美術館、國立臺灣美術館、高雄美術館等,國內外各大美術館與國際短片影展。 |
Born into the popular century-old Hsin-Hsing Paper Sculpture Store in Xinzhuang, New Taipei City, 1988, Zhang Xu Zhan specializes in creating a riotous profusion of paper effigies ranging from luxurious mansions and oversized paper dolls to paper-pasted mythological animals and flowers. Earning his master’s degree in new media art from Taipei National University of the Arts in 2010, the artist is also proficient in employing diverse media such as drawing, stop-motion paper doll and multi-channel video installation to create animations, videos, experimental films and extended images. His artworks not only revolve around absurd and bizarre images, but also encapsulate his wry observations on strange social phenomena and the cul-de-sac his family business (memories) faces. In other words, the artist’s works feature the unending decay and the post-revelry companionlessness that serve as part of his life’s rich tapestry. Zhang Xu Zhan is the first Taiwanese artist awarded with the Deutsche Bank Artists of the Year 2020, and will present his new work at the Palais Populaire, Berlin, set to open in September 2021.
Zhang Xu Zhan's latest work "Compound Eyes of Tropical" has won the best animated short film of the 59th Golden Horse Award, 2022. Education 2010 - Taipei National University of the Arts, New Media Art, Taipei, Taiwan (MFA) Solo Exhibitions 2022 Compound Eyes of Tropical- ZHANG XU Zhan Solo Exhibition, Taipei Fine Art Museum, Taipei, Taiwan 2017 Si So Mi - ZHANG XU Zhan Solo Exhibition, Project Fulfill Art Space, Taipei,Taiwan 2015 Inferiority Bat, Taipei Digital Art Center,Taiwan 2012 Ritual of Cathode Ray Tube, Taiwan National Museum,Taiwan Selected Group Exhibitions 2022 Deutsche Bank Artists of the Year 2021,The Museum of Cultures of Milan, Milan, Italy. 2021 Deutsche Bank Artists of the Year 2021, PalaisPopulaire, Berlin, German. 2020 Taiwan Biennial, National Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan (2020); UN·TACT, ACC Creation Space, Gwangju, South Korea (2020); Yokohama Triennale 2020, Yokohama Museum of Art, Japan (2020); Perforated City, Taipei MoCA, Taipei (2020); Letter Callus Post-War, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei (2019); An Opera for Animals, Rockbund Art Museum, Shnaghai, China (2019); Jeune Création Internationale / 15th Biennale de Lyon, Institut d'art contemporain, France (2019); The 12th Shanghai Biennale, China (2018); 2018 Asia Project: How Little You Know About Me, Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seoul, Korea; The 5th Kuandu Biennale - Slaying Monsters, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei, Taiwan (2016); The 5th Asian Art Biennial, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung, Taiwan (2015); Fantastic Fest -〈DRAWN AND QUARTERED〉special program, America (2014); Short Shorts Film Festival & Asia, Tokyo, Japan (2014); 6th Stuttgart Festival of Animated Film (ITFS) – Cult Night Animated Horror, Germany (2014); The 7th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art -APT7 Cinema, Gallery of Modern Art (GOMA) and Queensland Art Gallery (QAG), Australia (2012); Interfilm, 27th International Short Film Festival of Berlin, Germany (2011). |
Jungle Jungle — ZHANG XU zhan Solo Exhibition